Monday, August 31, 2009

And She's Off . . . .

Today I sent my Edyn off to school. . . . . for the FULL day! Its amazing how excited the girl was about being able to eat her lunch at school! She's just growing up right before my very eyes. I know this because not only is she in first grade, but she asked me to trim her uni-brow this morning before she left. Of course I did . . . . I wouldn't want her to worry about that. It might detract from her learning.


Heidi D said...

Abbey was just in the first grade. Now she's starting the 6th. It goes by so fast. I know, every one says that, but when you're buying your oldest baby her first bra...I just scratch my head and think, didn't I just send you to kindergarten? Like just a little bit ago? What the heck man!

Brooke said...

What a big day! Our oldest starts preschool in a week and I'm wondering where the time went- I can't imagine sending her off to the first grade all day long!

She looks so cute and studious in her outfit, too!

Lydia said...

What an exciting day! Tommy starts next week, and it will be so weird for him to be gone the entire day. I hope everything went well and she loved her first day!

SuzanSayz said...

She is so cute. I hope that she loves school and that school loves her!

Lesley said...

Oh so cute! Glad you plucked the unibrow! First things first! :) She looks so cute on her big full day!

Dana and ohana said...

I totally trimmed brlaey's unibrow the night before school started too! Ahhhh, premadonna litle them!