The plan was hatched in January and we purchased our tickets to fly down to California to see our sister Emily, who moved away almost two years ago. We are pretty good secret keepers. She had no idea!
This trip came at a great time. Just when I thought I couldn't take it (when I say "it" I mean kids fighting, responsibilities, winter weather, being chubby, husband always working, me always feeling sorry for myself . . . . you know the drill) anymore, and was seriously contemplating checking myself into an insane asylum (no joke), it was Thursday, March 19, and we were ready to go on our getaway. Phew. A MUCH needed break for this Mama.
So, after lots of driving . . . . . .
Lots of flying . . . . . .
Lots more driving . . . . . .
(I hate hearing my own voice. It's a little creepy. Is that what I really sound like?)
There were 7 of us all together. We were all hiding in the corner, and she kept seeing more and more of us. Funny thing is . . . . we have plenty more sisters! The rest couldn't come. Bummer.It was an awesome weekend of hanging out, talking about the most random things, more hanging out, and lots of KIDLESS shopping (come to find out, shopping without kids is AMAZING)!

What I lack in talent, my sister makes up. Check this out. Isn't she AMAZING!
Its too bad it all had to come to a screeching halt. Reality was awaiting.
So, Lots of driving . . . . . .
Lots more flying . . . . . .
Lots more driving . . . . . . .(Did I mention I hate traveling, especially flying. BARF)
And we were home on Sunday night.
The silly thing, is that the whole time I was gone, having a blast of course, I missed my babies and my husband so much. I get so annoyed with myself, because I complain and complain about how much I need a break, and then I finally get one, and all I want to do is be with my kids. I guess the grass is always greener, right?
Damon did a fabulous job of being Mr. Mom while I was gone. In fact, he does such a good job, I think I should go out of town more often. Yes. . . . . I think I will.
Oh my gosh how I love love love sister time. What a great surprise! It looks like you guys had a blast. How fun!
That looked like so much fun! It makes me want to be a Reil sister. Loved the pictures and the videos were awesome.
I loved how you all surprised Emily. She was totally blindsided.
And Libbie, I don't see how you can call yourself chubby at all, you looked great in all those pictures, and believe me, I was actually trying to find one where you looked like a chub and there were none to be found.
Isn't it funny how hearing our own voices is such a weird experience? I hate hearing my voice on tape.
i had to watch em's reaction 3 times because it kept making me cry. so blessed. with matching chins. :)
how fun! i love spending time w/ family and what a nice break for you!!!
This really makes me wish I had sisters. You guys are awesome!
I am a total weenie apparently because that video made me get all teary. How sweet to see all of you reunited!
And I am loving your dark hair! {makes your blue eyes pop!}
It was lots o' fun, wasn't it? I definitely needed the break too! I am so glad that we were able to do this, My sisters are my best friends!
What a great surprise! How many kids are in your family woman!!! I always wanted a sister - couldn't you have shared:)
Love the total domination!
The video made me cry. I LOVE surprises like that!! Looks like you had a blast.
I am the luckiest gal in the whole USA!!! I love my sisters and am so grateful to you all for coming to see lonely ol' me! You are truly the best, and Heather, I also noticed that we have matchy chins! Funny!
Oh you silly Reil sisters. What I would pay to be one...WT forever.
Looks sooooo fun.
Did you and Bekie dye your hair. Girls get over here and see me!
Oh I love this post. I wish everyone reacted with such excellent excitement when surprised. Emily does not disappoint!
I totally teared up and laughed when I saw the video of the big surprise. How fun for you ladies!
WHOA!!! Libby! The video of you all surprising Emily is awesome!!! Sarah and I were just watching it together... She and I are actually flying out to Utah next weekend to surprise our mom for her birthday, and we are throwing her a surprise party [she's turning 60] as well...should be fun! AHHHH surprises are awesome!
p.s. I just came across your blog! :) love it!
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