Six years ago today
March 3, 2003 at 1:30pm
Edyn Elizabeth
also known as Beadsa, was born!
Edyn is my number 1 little lady. Many of you know her . . . . and if you don't . . . . ONCE AGAIN, you are missing out!
*Edyn Bedyn Bo Bedyn, The Beads . . . BEADSA . . . thats where her nickname came from, courtesy of Damon!
*Edyn is my sweet girl.
*She is quite the artist. Always drawing something for someone.
*She is VERY sensitive (I am positive she did NOT get this from me).
*She loves her sisters. She loves her mommy and daddy. She loves her friends.
*Her and Lila are twins. They look exactly alike. I guess Lila will be just as beautiful as her older sister when she grows up. Lucky her!
*She loves school.
*She loves to have dance offs . . . beware . . . she is a sore loser.
*She loves quesadillas.
*She is quite the singer. She loves the spotlight. (Didn't get that from me either).
*She has her first crush on a very cute little guy . . . unfortunately, so do all the other girls! DRAMA!
*She loves to snuggle, and usually ends up in our bed . . . even though she is six. Uhg.
*She helps me so much around the house.
*She wants to be a Rock Star or an Architect. Hmmmmm . . . I choose Architect.
Words could never describe how much I LOVE MY BEADSA!
We spent Edyn's 5th Birthday in a hospital room. She was a good sport. I was a little pre- occupied with a brand new baby and never got around to posting about it.

Tonight . . . . WE PARTY HARDCORE . . . . . At Fairchild Cinemas of course. We will be watching The Jonas Brothers 3D.
My girls are so excited for the party!
And by the way....Lorelai has that same shirt that Edyn is wearing in her 5th b-day picks!
Happy Birthday, Beadsa, you beautiful little thing!
Edyn is a doll - she is such a cutie! You and Damon make such adorable little girls. Happy Birthday Edyn!
I never commented on the total and complete cuteness of the littlest lady and by golly...another birthday. So 2 for 1...these are adorabley darling girls and I'm happy they were born. And I'm hoping that the JoBros fulfilled every wish and fantasy of 3D no less.
I have always thought your little girls were such beautiful little ladies. But when you wrote your post recently about your precious Edyn keeping your hair under her pillow because she loves you so much, my heart just plain melted. I am now a charter member of the Edyn fan club!
Happy birthday edyn! Aren't you glad i was at your birth? Love you!
What to do with all these birthdays?! PAR-TAY!!!! I am glad that I was able to attend the famous Edyn Bash 2009!
I didn't know their birthdays were so close. They are cute girls. Too bad cam isn't really into jonas brothers or we'd come watch the movie too.
What a cutie! and now soooo old. Love her pictures she is a beauty
Are your girls really 1 day apart? I never knew that. Edyn is so beautiful and looks like such a fun little girl. Happy Birthday.
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