My hair is pretty long right now. I like long hair. There is so much you can do with it. I also like short hair. There are so many cute short cuts, but my hair type just doesn't allow said cuts to look well (believe me, I have tried it). Whenever I have tried a short hair cut, it is always with the belief that it will MAKE me have to do my hair. Yah right. I WILL find a way to slick it back, or get it out of my face somehow, even if 20 bobby pins are involved.
This brings me to my most current dilemma. What to do with the gnarly knots? I mean . . . .just look at the state of my mane. I thought I was just going to grow out my bangs, but I am really thinking this over and I think I might just cut them. I am thinking of doing them a little thicker than usuall too. I think I might also cut about three inches off and go for "medium hair."

Why am I being so indecisive? This is SO not me.
I am getting my hair done and it is imperative that I have decided promptly by 12:30pm Pacific Time on January 16, 2009. Should I KEEP, or CUT?
I am getting my hair done and it is imperative that I have decided promptly by 12:30pm Pacific Time on January 16, 2009. Should I KEEP, or CUT?
keep. your hair is gorgeous. the length, the color, the body. you are one of the few i would suggest a middle part to. not many can pull it off. and even if you do pull it back 90% of the time, the other 10% will be filled with watching others punch themselves in the face in complete awe of your sexy b hair.
worth it.
As one who just paid a pretty penny for an all around color and new fun highlights-I kept the length, just got more layers. Oh what a difference layers make. I too am a long hair pro and the ponytail is my best friend. However, I am wishing I would have taken a few more length inches off. Hair grows decisive is that?! For me, it's all about the color. Go for a great color and layers to mess around with. Oh what do I know, the urge for a chin length bob is coming ...I can feel it.
Libbie..that picture is awesome.
As for your hair....I vote to keep it. I have been thinking how cute it looks when you just throw it up. Having the option is so nice. I have been thinking about letting mine grow out a little so that come summer I can slick it back. So much easier to deal with when I am in and out of pools and such.
Can't wait to see what you do!
I love your hair, so my vote is to keep it. Go for a trim, conditioning treatment, color, or something else to help make you feel different, pampered, and spruced up.
Then maybe follow that up with a pedicure and you'll be a new woman.
I am shocked and impressed at your picture. :) I always go for no bangs. It just goes right behind my ear.
Keep it long. Sounds like that makes you most happy. I can only have mine short, so I don't know if that's influencing my decision or not.
You really need to write more often you know. I think your blog is one of my favorites. You're not pretentious and that's hard to come by in the blogging world.
You gotta keep it long! I'm so jealous because I just can't grow mine out anymore--it just gets too stringy & annoying. Oh, to have thick, beautiful hair with a body wave......
I vote keep it. You have beautiful hair. I think you could definitley pull off the short look... but I go through the same battle every time I chop my hair...and I do love it for about a week...and I do almost always regret it... like I just did recently... So i vote keep the hair long! I would change it up with thicker bangs or layers or play with the color a little... I need to have little changes every now and then or I end up doing something drastic... like chopping my hair :)
well sorry to contradict everyone else but i say yes! go for more bangs! cut off some length... two inches is good and add some nice layers in to remove bulk and weight so it moves and is more manageable. if you get your bangs cut have them part it where you naturally part then see where your head starts to curve down... that's your natural bang line.. the hair that is going to fall in your face... let it do what it wants but make it do what you want and designate it into fringe. you could pull off a very fantastic swoop... the true swoop with the starting point (or shortest point of your fringe) cut just above your eyebrow. this will help direct the rest of your hair out of your eyes and make them amazingly manageable and they grow out wonderfully. or you could have me cut them for free! you dont have to lose length just a different style with amazing bangs that will really let you enjoy your hair and still pull it back and look smashing! i'm a hair dresser... this is what i do :)
Long. You know that if you cut it short, you will be SORRY, and you will complain about it. It looks so pretty anyway! I love the darker color and the bangs. I feel like the older I get, the more I need bangs. I feel your pain, though. I would love to be able to pull off a short do, but I am afraid we come from the same frizzy haired gene pool and it is not in the cards. Too bad!
I would keep it long if I were you Libbie. For some reason there comes a certain time when you cut your hair short and it suddenly seems that growing it out isn't an option any more. I don't know why but it has happened to me and a few other people that I know, Heidi included. If I were you, I think I would get layers and maybe a couple inches shorter. And keep your bangs long they are such a pain to grow back out.
As one who has done what you are contemplating doing (and regrets it), listen up. Do not cut your hair. I repeat do not cut your hair. I would allow you to get bangs though. I think a thick bang would be very cute! Post after pics.
I, personally, like your hair long, but you will look like a beauty no matter what :)
In other words...KEEP IT!
I think your hair looks great. I would leave it just how it is. You can slick it back and still style it when you need to.
Your hair is always cute - slicked back or otherwise. So, I think it is a win/win situation!
I think you should go for a classic bowl-cut. Believe me, I've tried one and they are sooo liberating. You can't imagine what "Are you a boy or a girl?" can do for your positive self image! Do it! I beg of you!
I wish I was on here are a rockstr and always look great, I think long bangs *(thicker) and a good trim I DO like your hair darker on you with a little bit of timy highlights for depth....but you probably already did it so my opinion good..Dont do short you wil hate it.
Long hair with layers- if your are not sure about short hair- don't do it! Go for a modern layer and then if you want it sorter in a month or two do it then.
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