We have been keeping very busy as usual. And now that the Holiday Season is here, the festivities have begun. I LOVE everything about this time of year, even the cold.
A couple of weekends ago we headed down to Nampa to see my OLDEST (hee hee), yet VERY SEXY sister! Of course we had a blast. We were introduced to my new favorite game, called Ticket to Ride. Check it out. I bet you will like it.

We kicked off Thanksgiving with Taco Wednesday the night before. I think that this will be our new tradition. So much fun. We had tacos of course and had these friends, and these friends over to play games. I of course talked a lot about how bad I was going to demolish everyone, but as it turns out I ended up getting schooled. Dang. You're going DOWN next time El Donaldo!
I also came up with the most genius idea. I don't know why I have never thought of it before. Probably because I am not a genius. I got beads for the girls to play with (from Walmart of course) and make necklaces while us parents played games. It kept them busy for such a long time that we actually got to play without them bothering us! From here on out, I will be buying a crafts like that and setting up a craft table whenever we have friends over.

I continue to prepare the meal. Damon is helping. He peels the potatos and we get everything ready. He goes to wash some of the dishes, and what do you know? He breaks a fancy glass! DANGIT. Now I am down to 6. This really puts a damper on my place settings, which you should know by now, ususally consist of paper plates and cups, but after all it was THANKSGIVING and I was trying to glam it up a bit. Oh well. I guess we will use the plastic cups.
By now the turkey has been cooking for 5 hours, Just the right amount of time. We take it out of the oven. Everything else is cooked and ready. Damon goes to carve it. Guess what? NOT DONE. WHAT THE HECK. So I cover everything else to try to keep it warm and we put the turkey back in the oven. Everyone is sitting around watching TV and I am sure starving. I know I was.
While the turkey cooked for a whole EXTRA HOUR, I decided to make a lemon blueberry trifle in my fancy new trifle bowl from pampered chef. If one thing turned out good it was definitely this. DELICIOUS! But of course I forgot to take picture cause I was so flustered. After I make my trifle, I decide to do some dishes. And guess what? I broke my FREAKING 9x13 glass pan all over the place. (yes, i said "freaking", deal with it)! This is when I just about lost it. Just ask Damon's mom. She was sitting right there when I started uttering profanities. I may have made her a little nervous. Sorry Sharon. I clean up broken glass for the third time. I am tired of getting glass shards in my bare feet, (its is starting to hurt), and I'm thinking that plastic is the ONLY way to go for me.
We take the turkey out, and what do you know. . . . STILL NOT DONE. I mean COME ON. So we just carved the blasted thing and put it back in the oven for a few minutes and an HOUR AN A HALF after our actual start time has passed, we finally sit down to eat some hot turkey, yet COLD everything else. Better luck next time Libbie. I have already decided we are having tacos for Christmas. I am so DONE with turkey and glass for the time being.
After dinner, the rest of my family came over for dessert. Of course Edyn and Uncle Tyson were the entertainment. Edyn is always wanting to have "Dance Offs" with people, and Tyson has the sweetest moves of all of us so he gets to be the lucky one to compete with the 5 year old! Its just unfortunate when he dances better than Edyn. She is not very happy about that. If you ever have a dance off with her, make sure she wins. She is a sore loser. (Mariah, I WISH SO BAD I would have taken some pictures of you in your dance off. You gotta come over again so we can reenact that one. HILARIOUS)!
After the dance off, more friends and more games. Fun stuff. Now I am not usually much of a game girl, but I think I am starting to like it, even though I lose all the time.

Saturday. I TOTALLY remember what I did this day. One of my favorite things. I took my little guy Walter out for some target practice. He loves me and I love him. I have a hunch that he is gonna get a little friend for Christmas. So excited about that one. Thanks to Meeeyatch and Nan for taking us out to Pasco and for the good times. This will DEFINITELY have to happen more frequently.

I haven't even read the actual words yet...I'll get there. Very long + very tired = lazy! (me)
Good post. My Thanksgiving post lacks luster. I think I just want to move on and talk about Christmas. Tacos for Christmas has been a tradition with our family for years. We do it on Christmas eve though. I also have come to the realization that I don't get up at 3AM to get anything from a store, it's just not worth it. Unless I have a sick child and it's a prescription from a 24 hour pharmacy.
p.s. It's kind of weird that you know my cousin. I guess you met through Donald or something. :)
WOW! This was the best post EVER! Well, I might be a little biased. After all, it did mention me and my girls.
Taco Wednesday was awesome, and we absolutely have to do it again. Playing games with adults is waaay more fun than playing with a 4 and a 6 year old. Next time we should have you guys over. I think that is two times in a row at your house. And we will be sure to buy beads to keep the goils entertained.
Like Heidi said, tacos at Christmas time have been a family staple for like 40 years. You can borrow it if you wish.
Oh and memo to Meghan. You wuss. It wasn't that long.
seriously glass? Girl, that only comes out when I'm not at home becuase then I don't have to wash it:)
Sorry about your turkey mishap, next year will rock.
oh and me and facebook are currently bffs too. Its terrible.
Holy moly...you had a festive weekend!
And I am with you when it comes to shopping the day after Thanksgiving....I would much rather pay more than wake up at 3 in the morning and fight the crowds...no way.
And yes, the craft table was genius.
Looks you guys had a fabulous Thanksgiving weekend! (other than a few missing dishes)
I especially love the dance off and shooting pics. (What's a girl gotta do to get an invite!) I guess I'll just have to ask Tyson for an encore on Sunday in Nursery :)
Libbie I am so proud of you for doing real place settings for your Thanksgiving entertaining! You are the hostess with the mostess! I love the idea of crafts for the kids...though I think with my boys they would just end up all over the house. Miss you guys!
Actually Heidi, we met Damon and Libbie in 15th Ward few years ago. But I said the same thing to Libbie when I found out she knew Donald.
Fun times Libbie. You guys crammed a lot of stuff into one weekend. Although, on the way out to go shooting, I kept wondering if you were telling Meghan, "Umm, Mitch didn't tell me it was this far out. Finley would have been way closer!"
Oh and Damon, we missed you furiously. Can you tell?
I saw the dance off on megans camera. Tyson, one word...MOVES!!
You do rock dude.
I enjoyed shooting yer little gun. I do hope we hunt us another Mitch-alope sometime soon.
Wow, you are quite to chatty Kathy in this post! I guess that's just what you gotta do when you slack because you are cheating on blogger with facebook. I have to confess that I am having the same problem!
P.S. Did you hear that an Wal-Mart employee actually got trampled to death on Black Friday? Not exactly my idea of fun. I'm with you on staying home on Black Friday!
You're good...to get all your great Thanksgiving photos up, I'm so behind with it and a trip to Utah. I just haven't had the patience uploading/downloading lately and have considered bagging the whole blogging thing, but like you, it's my only journal at the moment. What to do.
Regarding your fancy glasses...you must have tile floors? It seems tile floors destroy all glass. Sorry to hear you had so many glass mishaps, but kind of funny too, right. Well now you can laugh.
I didn't know you were on facebook. I made the mistake of joining last summer, and I can't seem to stay away from it! Sorry about your turkey and all the broken glass. I couldn't help but laugh as I imagined your scaring Damon's mom. I would've been the same way for sure! I'm glad you had a fun Thanksgiving with your beautiful family!
By the way, what a great idea to have a necklace table. My kids would love that!
we've got the same kind of luck. everytime i open the fridge, i drop something. i HATE cleaning up broken glass- especially when it's covered in rotting leftovers!
We're coming home for Christmas and Brandon wants to shoot things while he's there. Do you have any suggestions for indoor shooting? heatherlewis77@yahoo.com
Sounds like you had one heck of a Thanksgiving. I too have had a flawed turkey occurences in my day. Better luck next year. It sounds like you guys had a blast over the holiday. I am feeling super old and out of touch though because I am embarrassed to admit I know nothing about Facebook. Am I dork or what.
It should make you feel good to know Libbie that the girls couldn't wait to show me those "fancy, hand made" necklaces the next day. That really is awful about the turkey. I'd be swearing my head off, I'm afraid. One of the last times I was in charge of Thanksgiving, I actually used disposable plates and cups. It really wasn't that bad. I bought a few bags of those plastic wine glasses, and the nicest and sturdiest plates I could find. Clean up was such a breeze. Those disposables might have been one more expense but it was WORTH IT!
I have 3 words for you....DEEP FRIED TURKEY- DO It. 43 min. and that baby is done!
Libbie! Your so pretty! I know I know it's going to seem like I'm into (which I totally would be, if I were inclined) but I just had to say it. And that looks like a good time with fam, I wish mine were closer. And I just love the idea of you with a gun. I'm so so jealous Chad won't let me touch ours, still. Auggghh
What a trooper you are! I think if that happened to me we would have ended up at Taco Bell for Thanksgiving.
sounds like you had a great thanksgiving...sorry about your turkey..i dare not even go there..i don't think i've ever cooked one so i give you credit! and i love it that you are into shooting guns! i can totally picture you doing that..what a fun hobby!!
Thanks Libbie. They did worry that I had WPW but thankfully I did not - scary for your sis and bil. Were they able to fix his heart?
We're up for the "Game Night" challenge. Weekends work best for us. Friday, Staurday or Sunday. This Weekend Friday is taken and next weekend Saturday is taken but any other time works. Let me know.
PS my husband said "BRING IT ON"
Wow. Crazy Thanksgiving! I get SO stressed when I am hosting and the food isn't done. And to had 3 glass mishaps- I can't imagine. You go ahead and swear like a sailor. It makes everyone feel better.
And I LOVE seeing pictures of you and the Thompsons. I'm imagining myself squeezed in between you and Michelle in that picture. How fun.
Beads? - Question(said like Dwight) How long did it take you to clean up stray beads? It looks fun. I just don't know if my kids are ready for that.
We had such a good time with you guys, playing games and watching Tyson’s hot moves. I am sorry for all your mishaps but the lemon trifle was delicious.
I wanted to thank you again for watching Lorelai today. She had the best time....ever. You are super woman, really.
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