Next, we just moved into a cute little cozy apartment. I will post pictures when I get it all put together. I am pretty sure our neighbors hate us already. My girls are LOUD LOUD LOUD! Singing at the top of their lungs, screaming when they don't get their way . . . which is a lot, because it seems like they are always throwing fits or something like that! I am going to have to go door to door and apologize right now before I make myself some enemies.
I took myself and Edyn to the dentist, thinking, Oh my, she shouldn't have any cavities, I brush my girls teeth all the time, and when I am at work, I ask Damon to brush their teeth before they go to bed. Well . . . . . Pretty much like 10 cavities, only on her bottom teeth of course. I guess we are not very good at brushing her teeth as we thought. I was so embarrassed. My pride was hurting all day, and the next day, and the next. Of course I had to call some friends for moral support, as I wanted to cry because my poor baby was going to have to suffer thru fillings. Totally our fault, the dentist said (luckily he is our friend, and he could be real straight up with me!) Mine were cavity free, although apparently I take my aggressions out on my gums, as they are starting to recede! "You brush too hard!" he said. This I will have to agree with. Its like I can't get them clean enough! So after 30 years, I think I might be brushing properly! And my baby girls now have a tooth brushing/flossing Nazi for a mom!
So since we just moved, of course I want to do all sorts of cute things to our new pad. I thought I would do Edyn and Ava's room up really cute, Pottery Barnish, you know, straight from the magazine. I guess I am really selfish, because I just want what I want. Too bad what they want is totally opposite. Edyn had her heart set on a High School Musical bed, with a matching pillow with Troy Bolton on it . . . . OH MY! This is not my idea of cute. Let me tell you, it goes really great with Ava's beautiful Neon Hot Pink/Purple sheets with swirls on them that she absolutley loves . . . . I broke down and let them do what they want. Even though it was really, really hard. I am just going to have to keep their bedroom door shut . . . at all times! And I probably won't post any pictures of that room when I get done!
Last, Only four weeks to go . . . and I decided yesterday, after my ranting and raving at the doctors office,(I am getting tired of hearing my own self complain)! that I need to have a better attitude, because after all, I am so fortunate to be pregnant and get to have another little princess . . . . even if I want to pull my hair out. Also I decided that she can stay in my belly as long as she wants, as I have nothing ready, and a whole bunch of things I need to accomplish in the next month. I might change my mind tomorrow though! I'll keep you all posted!
First...we LOVE Glenn Beck too and Donald got that book for Christmas and loves it.
Second....you are a better mom than me. I would have said "High School Musical? I don't think so" I love the movie...so cute...but I wouldn't want it staring at me all day.
Third....you in the final stretch! hurray for you! As miserable as it is enjoy these final days because it will be SO much work managing 3 "princesses" once she makes her arrival.
Thanks for your sweet comment yesterday. I was flattered at everyone saying I was "inspirational" and "amazing", but alas, I am just a mom doing what any mamma would do for her baby.
We would love to have your family over as soon as you are up to it :)
holy four weeks left- it went by sooo fast!
where is the apt? not in pasco huh?
cavities, smavities... some people have rotten teeth no matter how good you brush. im that way. Edyn would look cute no matter if she has teeth or not!
1. Glenn besck is our idol over here at the Widing household. Did you see his tribue to Pres. Hinkley? The man is just one cool guy.
2. I hear you on the noise and apt. situation. I just could care less anymore. At least it's my kids mking the noise and not Jason and I throwing a wild type party or fighting super loud...oh wait, scratch that, we do THAT. oh well.
3. I swear I brush, I floss, I use mouth wash and i still have the worst teeth in the world. So embarrassing. I feel like white trash with all my mouth problems
4. 4 weeks! WOW. good luck. Maybe you could get her a Hannah Montana crib set. you know, just to cover all things girl and ri-dic-u-lous!
too funny libbie..i just wrote a little entry on my blog with glenn beck in it..i like him too..i think he's pretty right on
High School Musical...what a good mom.
I think since most of us lived at a time when we were told, "You can do that when you're the Mom" that now we give in more to our kids. So when is it EVER our time to shine?! I too hate the dentist. Will have to check out Glenn Beck.
I think I just emailed you the Glenn Beck tribute to Pres. Hinkley. Did I?? I don't really know him, but I loved that little video.
We have never seen High School Musical(GASP!!) OR Hannah Montana. That's the life where the oldest is a boy.
4 Weeks left- and your trying to get a new house all decorated!! You're crazy. Relax and put your feet up.
I have been wanting to read Glenn's book so bad. Mitch told me I could borrow his copy when he finishes it.
Congrats on the new place, and on only four weeks to go.
An Inconvenient Book was one of the best books I have read in a LONG time! I laughed, I cried, I got pissed...and then I would laugh again. Just tell the Dentist to gas Edyn. It worked for Alexandra..she didn't even know what happened.
Oh ya, I saw a Hannah Montana poster at the store that I thought I would get for Alexandra and Lorelai...and then I realized it would be a waste of money, becuase Lisa wouldn't allow something like that in their room anyway. Boy you two are mean Moms!
I might be stoned and lynched for making the following statement, but Steven Colbert's book is pretty entertaining as well.
Hey there, have you popped that baby out yet? We want updates as soon as humanly possible. I don't know a thing about this High School Musical...yet.
I adore Glenn Beck, as you know. I can't wait to read his book. My Dad has one for me. Can't get enough of that guy! Anyway....can't wait to see your "pad". I'm glad you are loving it!!
Hey Libbie! I am so sorry to hear about your little dentist situation. If it makes you feel any better - Ethan had a huge hole in one of his teeth when he was three years old. It was horrible. The poor little guy tried to be so brave at the dentist...I don't think I should tell you the rest of the story until after Edyn has had her cavities filled.
Congrats on only a few weeks left. So exciting! I can't wait to see pictures of the new little Fairchild princess!
Hi you guys!!!!! I'm so excited for you. Edyn sounds so funny! Hey, I totally feel your pain about the apartment thing. We lived in an apartment during our internship in Cleveland over the summer (the middle floor of course!) and I think I got 72 hundred ulcers from trying to get my children (including 2 year old boy) to walk softly. His modes of transportation were stomp loud, stomp quiet, run, run with a jump at the end, and this tiptoe thing that seemed like it would be quiet, but wasn't at all. And then there was my daughter jumping rope in the living room . . . We are never quiet at home so the apt was quite an adjustment. Let's just say our downstairs neighbor (who was at home ALL DAY without children unfortunately) didn't have the fondest feelings for us. Good luck. :)
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