Friday, March 2, 2012


Tootsies turned 4 today.

She informed me a while back that she doesn't want to be called Tootsies anymore. Or Toots. Or Tootahs. She is getting way too big. It makes me sad. She told me I have to call her Lila now. Which is okay I guess, seeing as how it is her name and all.

I love her.
Anyone who knows her, knows that she is one of a kind. . . . . and you also understand the reason for my insanity, for about 90% of it is because of this sassy, stubborn, smart, clever, witty, cute, sometimes sweet, little blond girl. . . . . who is my very last baby :).

To celebrate, we had a wild party at the pool, with 6 other birthday girls.

Happy Birthday to Bekie, Violet, Kerilyn, Tricia, Edyn, Lila, and Gracie!

After the Rager, it was present time.
At our house . . . . when you are 4, you get to open your presents in your undies.

Happy Birthday to my Lila.
(Not Tootsies)
I love you!