There are many things I cherish in life, two of those being freedom and family. We just had a great weekend celebrating both.
I am so grateful for the many men and women who have fought and continue to fight for our freedom. I have three brothers (two who are in Iraq as we speak) and one brother-in-law in the military. Words cannot explain my gratitude to them for helping to protect our country and preserve our freedom. THANK YOU!

A fun filled Friday at Roaring Springs Water Park. Too busy having fun for pictures. This was the only one I took!
A ginormous Block Party. Over 100 people there. My sister and her husband do this every year. FUN . . . FUN . . . FUN!
Quad rides around the block.

A friendly game of Volleyball. (Not pictured: Brett smashing Bekie in the face ON PURPOSE)!

Big time slip n' slide.
Apparently Lila didn't like said slip n' slide. Notice her death grip on daddy?

Baby Wedgies
Congratulations to Beadsa! She lost her 2nd tooth on July 4th! Her first one was lost on Wednesday night before we left and both of those precious teeth were pulled by Tia Bekie. Thank goodness. There are two things I REFUSE to do as a mother. 1. Pull Teeth (thank you for taking over that responsibility Tia) 2. Teach my kids to drive (thank you in advance Damon, that one has your name written all over it).

Nothing like a neighborhood coming together and lighting off fireworks for over an hour and a half!
Not pictured: Ugly Chin contest. This is something you DO NOT want to miss. I will post those epic pictures at a later date (as soon as my sister relinquishes control of her camera card).
Aaaaaaannnnnnddddd . . . once again, some VERY tired little ladies. It made for a peaceful first hour of the 4.5 hour drive home!
Next year, it would be AMAZING if every one of my 14 brothers and sisters could be there. Those of you who couldn't make it this year . . . you were TRULY missed.
WOW Libbie, you have our Fourth topped by a lot! I just love the idea of a block party to celebrate the Fourth Of July. Have you seen the movie "The Sandlot"? The real one that is not what I'm sure was the awful second one.
One of my favorite parts of the film is how they portray the 4th. With the great big block party and everyone having the time of their lives.
Truly Americans at their best.
I'm glad you are able to raise your girls with such wonderful traditions.
what a fun fourth!!! that slip n slide looks awesome!!! my girls looked like your girls by the time the night was over:) crashed:)
That looks like so much fun! I especially loved the baby wedgie! I echo your thoughts on Independence day, I always get choked up...I am just so grateful for this country and for the miracle it is to be here! GOD BLESS THE USA!
Good thing I was also having fun, cause otherwise I would be pissed at you all for doing something fun without me! I hope we can go next year...Looks like a BLAST!!!!
I will be relinquishing the ugly chin pictures as soon as I post them on my blog first. Sorry, I just gotta make a good post for once. I have successfully lost all my readers! This weekend was really fun, and I am so glad that we finally got to go! By the way, does your mons pubis still hurt from the slip n' slide? Mine does!!
Um... Can I come next year!!!??? :[) holy crap man, that block party is AMAZING!!! Baby wedgies = HILARIOUS!!! Love it!. Your guys' family totally inspires me Libbie! :))
That's really cool. So, did you drive home the next day? Where do they live to be able to have fireworks? I love all of the pictures too.
That looks like a BLAST!!!!
(Alexandra will be extremely jealous about Edyn's lost tooth. However, she did discover a few days ago that one of her adult teeth is growing in behind a baby tooth. The baby tooth does NOT want to come loose though)
Happy 4th to you!
I'm sure glad my mons pubis didn't get hurt on the slip-n-slide, I enjoyed being the photographer for your races. The 4th was a blast and I will never NEVER miss it! Gretchen and Scott really know how to party. BTW your babies are so freaking cute, especially when they are zonked out!
Did you make the cake? It looks very delicious.
Wow- you guys sure did the 4th right! Looks like a total blast! I am so glad that your head is finally where it should be. Have you considered hats:)?
Oh Heavens NO! I did not make that cake. I just plain DONT BAKE. Ever. That is just something that was NEVER meant to be. (although I did partake of the cake, sans frosting of course, YUCK . . . . to frosting. . . . . YUM to cake. It was delicious)!
I can bake, but I can't decorate which is why I am in awe when someone can make something like that.
I just want to live with you, ok?
Also.. girls night the first week in Aug?! Yes? YES!
Okay, I just read your last 3 posts. You are so funny. I definately need to take your advice about pulling my head out too.
And of course I am so jealous about your fourth!! It looked too fun!
what a fun looking block party! great 4th of july! and kudos to your bros for what they're doing!
that looks like the best party ever. wish i was there!
We will plan on shacking up with you and your family next fourth. That looks like a dream come true. And your girls are so adorable.
What a great 4th! I love the cake that you made! That is so cute. Your girls are so cute Libbie. I love that last picture of them all tuckered out and sleeping. Glad you had a fun time!
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