I love this man for so many reasons. Below are just thirty one of them.

2. He loves me . . . unconditionally, and let me tell you, I have not always made life easy for him. I can be irrational, crazy, dramatic, scary, and many times a plain BEEEEYATCH for a wife, but for some reason, he just continues to adore me. I know. I am sooooooo lucky.
3. He is loyal . . . .he loves the Miami Dolphins . . . . . . unconditionally . . . . . even when they suck, which is A LOT.
4. He loves his precious baby girls . . . . unconditionally.
5. He gets up many nights with our babies, and he has never once complained about it.
6. He changes diapers, cleans up barf and poop, does dishes, folds laundry, and has never once complained about that either.
7. He is a hard worker. He puts in TONS of hours, often with little or no sleep. He runs his studio well and his employees and clients love him.
8 . He is so artistic. He is an AMAZING Photographer, and is working on getting his masters in photography right now. I have shown you some of the pictures he has taken of our kids, but you would absolutely die if I could post everything he does. I am completely blown away with the things he comes up with. He is constantly learning more and getting even better than he already is.
9 . He teaches me sweet tricks in Photo Shop.
10. He is very competitive. This comes in handy when we enter Biggest Loser competitions . . . . well, except for the last one . . . .DANG!
11. He is romantic. I often times joke around that I am the boy in the relationship and he is the girl. I am so UNromantic. He is the one who wants the candle light dinners, walks under the moonlight, getaway weekends, etc.
12. He never gives me a hard time for the amount of time I spend with my friends. He never complains about having to stay home with the kids when I take "girls weekends" or "girls nights." He knows when I need breaks, and is so willing to let me have them.
13. He is patient. Like I said, he has to put up with a lot from me . . . . but also others. I rarely see him lose it.
14. He loves his mom.
15. You might be surprised, but he can pull off a killer English accent, as well as Southern. I never knew he had it in him . . . . sooooooo funny!
16. You would be very surprised with his acting skills. He did have a role in the BYUH campus movie. If you are lucky, you might get to see it someday!
17. He speaks only Spanish to our kids . . . . they are pretty much bilingual because of this.
18. He has a testimony of our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.
19. He loves the Gospel, and obeys the commandments.
20. He reads scriptures with our kids, and makes sure we have family prayer every morning and night. I find this extremely SEXY!
21. He serves others on a regular basis.
22. He is a great teacher, and has a way of getting thru to people of all ages.
23. He is very forgiving.
24. He is 100% man, but he is not afraid to cry.
25. He loves his friends.
26. He is very intelligent.
27. He has a great memory. This comes in very handy for him. Especially in arguments, and he LOVES to argue. He is a great debater. I think he should run for President some day. No one would stand a chance against him.
28. He loves politics as much as I do, although he doesn't let it consume him when things don't go his way like yours truly.
29. He is funny . . . but only DUMB FUNNY! (only two people will understand this one, but I had to throw it in)!!
30. He is kind. He won't even kill bugs or spiders. Seriously. He scoops them up and puts them outside.
31. He used to hate running, but he did it anyway, so he could run with me. Now he really enjoys it, and has to actually encourage me to do it.
Damon is perfect for me. Because of him, I am a better person. I don't know how I ever got so lucky. Happy 31st birthday Flamers. You are the best husband I have ever had!
we won't make this a love note blog, but, I've got at least 32 reasons why I love you. And I don't say that to try and outdo you, but because you have so many more things to love...Thanks for a great B-Day. I wouldn't have rather spent it with anyone else, but the girls I love so much.
Come to bed already!!!
Flamin! Happy B-day. I could have sworn that you were older than me. I have to contest the 100% man comment in item # 24. Although you did cry a lot when I dominated you in NBA Live in HI. Libbie you are lucky you married such a big teddy bear!
Love love love the Ernie hats! You are such a cute dad! Happy Happy Birthday to you! Love the picture with you and all your cute girls! :)
You ARE one lucky gal!!! This post was so sweet. Its good to see that there are happy marriages!
FUN! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAMON. Ok, please tell me his birthday wasn't Saturday, because I saw him and didn't say "happy birthday". Anyway, is that Bailey Cone in one of your pictures? She must have been babysitting for you, love that girl.
What a sweet post, Libbie. He sounds like one amazing guy, and that's awesome that you know it and express it. Happy Birthday, Damon!
P.S. Can you email me your current email address? I have an old one.
D-Man Happy birthday from the MathClan. We think you are the woman in the relationship too. Thats why you and mitch get along so well. Thats the part he plays too.
Have a GREAT one.
happy birthday damon!! that's so cool he speaks spanish to your girls..i didn't know that
Happy Late B-day, Damonio! I am priviledged to be one of the few who gets why you are dumb funny! I still laugh at that every time!
Happy Happy Birthday Damon!!! What a sweet wife you have, she talked you up quite bit, and I'm feeling the LOVE!!
Libbie, this was so sweet, you better watch it or this will be a two girl marriage and you know how you feel about that.
I love that he speaks spanish to the girls. What an amazing gift for them to grow up bi-lingual. You two set a very good example of just how loving and unselfish a successful marriage should be.
Happy Birthday to a wonderful guy!
Happy Late Birthday from me too! I didn't forget I just didn't call...!
What a sweet post! Happy b-day Damon! I love that you went to a shooting range to celebrate!
I love fall too for many of the same reasons you posted (especially the melting chapstick thing) and as far as the politics go, I think we should make buttons that say,"NOBAMA"
Happy B-day Deeemon Do. The big 3-1 for all of us this year! Yikes!
Happpy b-day Damon, and btw Libbie, I am sooooo jealous that you get to touch your gun! We have one and Chad WON'T let me touch it because I'm kinda nutty and he thinks I'll kill him accidently one night when he gets up to go to the bathroom! Agghh.
Way to go Damon!!!
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