Please tell me I am not the only one . . . . I hate folding laundry. I don't mind washing it. This is what our bed looks like on a regular basis. About 10 loads of laundry just waiting to be folded. Each day I wash the clothes that need washed and put them on my bed. Then at night, either Damon or I neatly place them on the floor in a huge pile, so we can sleep in our bed. Then, once morning rolls around again, I make my bed and put all the clean laundry back on it, in hopes that I will get around to it. (or that Damon will do it, which he usually does end up doing it after about a week)! I could use the excuse that its because I have a new baby and I just can't get myself together . . . which is true . . . . but we did this well before Lila was even thought of! HELP!! Maybe by confessing, I will have to repent and do something about it!

I am the most impatient person. The other day Lila was having a really hard day. She must have had a sore tummy because she was up most of the night and only slept about 2 hours the whole next day. I was exhausted. She probably was too. I was thinking of all the people who I could take her to because I just wanted to sleep. Finally I just had to put the screaming baby down and walk away. I came back in a few minutes later, and Edyn looked at me and said in her most grown up voice, "You know mom, Its worth it."
What??? Where does she come up with these? It totally made me calm down. I love my babies so much. It is definitely worth it.
It is worth it...
And, you are not alone. I HATE folding laundry. I will carry it all to the basement, sort it, wash it, dry it, and carry it upstairs. Then, it sits. Jeff usually gets so sick of digging through laundry baskets for socks that he folds it. And he puts his away. The girls and I usually dig through baskets of folded clothes until it is time to use the baskets for more clean laundry!
i love sweet treats too yummy!...i'm like that too--don't mind washing clothes but hate folding them...you've got darling daughters..don't kids say the darndest things!
I love everything about this post and everything about you. :) I can relate so much with your confessions that it is almost scary! Your Eyden is darling . . Kids do say the darnest things. At least the comments you get calm you down. :) Got to love motherhood.
I have to interject something here...I NEVER wait a week to fold the laundry! A day or two maybe...give me some credit.
How did you get a picture of my bed????? lol.....thanks for sharing. It feels good to know I am not the only one that does that. We have the identical situation....down to the placing of the laundry onto the floor and the replacing of it in the morning with the hopes that "this is the day it will get folded!"
You are doing a great job over there Libby. No need for confessions... we're all in that boat! Putting yourself in time out must have felt worth it after that little comment too! What a cutie.
Okay, so my little laundry tip. (Not that we're perfect over here, and Greg definately does the brunt of the putting away - I don't mind folding, but the putting away...) Anyways, we only have one basket. It drives me mad. But this way I HAVE to empty the clean so I can bring down a new dirty load. (Though I have gotten good at throwing down a huge dirty load wrapped in a towel or sheet!) Anyways, just my two sense that may or may not help.
I think the sugar deal is a good one. I might even attempt that one! Your laundry pic is sooo funny because we have a lovely guest bed that gets a pile of clothes that high ALL THE TIME...like everyday! Lucky I can close the door & go on with my day! Thanks for sharing Libby!
My laundry tip - I subject my children to "Pride and Prejudice" while I sit on the floor and fold it. My daughter is a huge Mr. Darcy fan these days.
Oh, Libbie, I loved reading your blog. I can relate on all three occasions, too. Your "confessions" about your laundry made me laugh out loud because I didn't realize other people have the same laundry issue! Taking it off the bed and then putting it back on in the morning is a regular occurance in our house. At least you make your bed. I rarely get that ambitious.
I'm so glad you won't cheat on me. I haven't cheated on you! It's been hard, because while I don't eat a LOT of sugar, I like to snitch at things, cookie dough, a bite of chocolate...and this week I haven't snitched once thanks to our wager. Also, the laundry. My biggest pet peeve. I HATE laundry. That's why I always have at least 3 loads needing to be washed. I am too picky to let the clean ones sit, cause I hate wrinkles. My solution? Just don't wash it, then you don't have to think about folding it :)
Hey Libbie! Mariah gave me your blog address and I've finally joined in on the fun too. Your girls are beautiful. Happy to see you're well.
-Heather McCain
Ditto on the laundry! Why is it so hard to fold and put away? We have overflowing baskets of clean laundry. The trick is remembering which baskets are clean and which are dirty without resorting to the sniff test! Thanks for the pic, makes me feel normal!
Oh, my gross sugar craving since Henry was born is hostess cupcakes. I will INHALE those. Yuck!! Wish I had the willpower for no sugar. Kudos!
It is so funny that you should confess your love of rice krispy treats - I just got a huge craving for them too this past week. Even though we had loads of candy around (Easter season) I just had to have rice krispy treats too. How funny!
I'm glad I'm not the only one with the whole laundry thing!
Totally the same!!
I love it. The laundry... I have a great solution. I just figured out how to cope with this same struggle. Just realize that you are very busy, taking care of 3 kids, church calling, blah, blah, blah- and that you CAN"T get everything done. There is not enough time in a day- somethings got to give. I have told myself and Brian that when are kids are all in school, there will be no more laundry piles. Oh, and take comfort in the fact that the laundry is on your bed. I throw mine on the COUCH!! My friends are used to just scooting it over. How trashy am I...
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