Wednesday, February 27, 2008

39.4 . . . .

Still pregnant over here. If anyone else is as annoyed as me, feel free to voice it, because I certainly do. I sat in the doctors office for approximately 4 hours yesterday to find out what I already knew . . . that apparently I have a cervix of steal! This little girl just doesn't want to budge. So sorry friends. I will be sure to keep you posted, but for now, I will just carry on being miserable, yet grateful for my sleep!


sjmiller said...

I so know how you feel!

I'm sorry this is taking so long. It should happen soon though, right?

Hang in there! Sorry you are miserable.

Shauna said...

Oh so sorry to you. That is a real big bummer. I hope it passes fast. Is there a chance you will you be induced?

Shauna said...

Oh so sorry to you. That is a real big bummer. I hope it passes fast. Is there a chance you will you be induced?

Emily said...

Hang in there! Do you have a "we will induce you if you haven't gone into labor yet" date?

I'm 36 weeks and ready to be done!

Emily Kern said...

I know that you know this, but here goes...She's got to come out sooner or later! I can safely say this because mine is out and I will not ever be pregnant again!

Dana and ohana said...

oh libbie just sit tight, practice your patience and take a "chill pill". You are so dang antsy. Maybe if you would just sit back and relax she'd come. Am I making you mad? (I am trying to get those angry contractions started by picking a fight.)
Good luck lady! You're a trooper and my hero

libbie said...

real funny dana!

My Three Sons said...

Any day now...cervix of steal :)

My Many Coloured Days said...

Oh the memories. It feels like eveyones babies are coming later and later these days... what the heck! Either these little spirits are scared to come here, or we mamas are supposed to be learning some patience before they do! Best of luck. Gotta say, I'm glad it's not me!

laura said...

Every day I check and think today will be the day. Guess not. Hope something great happens tonight.

Lisa Christine said...

Bummer..everyday I check your blog with hopes of seeing baby news. Never fear...she has to come sometime soon!!! Good luck !

The Dean Family said...

it really is a catch 22 huh?!? you want the baby to come out..but the thoughts of not sleeping through the night for a really long time has got ya thinkin' that the baby should stay in...ha!ha! best of luck:)

MSB said...

With Boo, I wanted her to stay in... she was so much easier in there!

Lesley said...

This weekend Libbie!!! I think it's going to be this weekend! Hang in there. You are okay to be complaining...I am only 24 weeks and wanting to be done. Pretty pathetic, I know. I am excited for you!!! Will you be induced by a certain date?

sjmiller said...

Baby yet?