Sorry friends . . . no baby news here. I actually went to the doctor today, and there is absolutely NOTHING going on if you know what I mean . . . . which is okay, because I have a LOT of stuff to do! So I think I will just keep myself busy, and maybe she will surprise us and come soon, but the way my body works . . . probably not! I will probably just be conveniently induced in a few weeks, as I was with my two other kids!
My new niece is doing great though. Here are some pictures of her being held so you can actually tell how small she is. She is back up to 4.3 pounds today. She still has some bouts of apnea, but is getting better. So dang cute!
she's so tiny. wow. for sure my kids could do some harmful helping there. She looks nice and healthy though...just itty bitty.
As for you....way to be patient! good girl. The furthest I ever made it was 34.6 and I about died!
I swear, Brett looks exactly the same way he did when he was a freshmen in high school. Cute little girl they have there!
Congratulations on all the new healthy babies in the family! They are all so precious. Good luck with waiting out the last few weeks of pregnancy. It is just so dang uncomfortable.
Wow, she looks so small and then in the pictures where they're holding her even smaller@! Isn't it amazing that inside those four pounds is all of the necessaries!
I'm so glad they can hold her now! I can't imagine not being able to hold my baby. She looks so sweet (so do Bekie and Brett).
Hey, on a random note, I'm sure you didn't know this little tidbit, but on Valentine's day 9 years ago I was with my mom and my soon-to-be-husband in K-town. We were at the store and we saw a friend from church in her car and stopped to say hi. When we looked in the back seat, two super cute voices in unison chirped, "Happy Valen-times!" I thought it was so funny and SO darling. Big J I remember it every year and say it all the time. Funny huh? Oh, it was Merrie Cahoon driving the car and Carrie's kiddos in the backseat. I guess they'd be teenagers now? Whoa, I'm gettin' old! They were so cute. Anyway, hope you have a great day! :) Love, K
Let's go ahead and pop that one of yours out as well.
Hi Libbie! I came accross your blog through Beachaump's blog. I hope your having a baby right now!! And I hope your move went good too! I wanted to let you know that we have some friends in Richland, not to far from where you are right now, just off of Leslie Rd., who are looking to rent their house out until about the end of the year and then sell it. They don't want to sell it right now or else they pay some type of penality. I thought of your family and wanted to pass the word along to see if ou might be interested. It's a 3bed/2bath, 2 living rooms, office/den, 3 car garage with a nice yard. They just rrmodeled a bunch of stuff (i.e. new wood floors, carpet, tile, stucco outside, paint, and I think they're getting ready to put in granite countertops). Let me know if your interested. My email is Hope all is going well for you! Oh, and p.s. Gloria had her baby on Monday if you hadn't heard yet! Take Care!
Julie Collier
Blog stalking you Libbie!
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There is a fun political argument going on under the Yes, he can comments.
She is so precious! She reminds me so much of the twins when they were born! I'm glad she is at the hospital that I know and love and trust. They're the best. Becky looks great, too. Can't wait til Lila gets here!
Hi Libbie, I have seen your name on blogs all over the place and have often wanted to write to you but didn't know if you would remember me so, I figured it was about to try. Here's wishing you good luck with your delivery and new baby. Your family is very cute.
Amy Davis
We love that little baby too, and we can't wait to see her next week.
Wow, I forgot all about that car. How funny. By the way, you and gloria are awesome. I never would have posed being that pregnant because I never looked half as goo as the two of you at that stage!
Libbie-she is so cute! I am glad that she is doing better. She is so tiny! It's almost your turn! WHoo HOoo! How are you feeling? I loved your pregnancy pictures! Hey, would you mind emailing me your new address? How was the move? Are you all settled? My email is!
I just tagged you...see my blog for details!
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