Yes . . . The BIG 30! I used to think thirty was old. I sure don't anymore, because I don't feel old. Probably because I am still so immature! Maybe by forty I will have grown up a bit. No promises though.
Today was a great day. I had a very romantic day working at the studio with Tara, who got me the cutest bracelet (from Nicole also, Thanks, I love you girls!). And of course Tara treated me to lunch at Brucchis. How can you go wrong there?
Damon and my girls had a surprise party planned for me at Damon's studio.(As we are still homeless!)See the picture card at the top. That had to have taken Damon a LONG TIME! See previous post about Crazy Ava and having her pictures taken! They had the place all decorated, pink of course, with a nice dinner and cake Edyn picked out. My babies were so excited that they played such a huge role in helping daddy plan my very special party. Then we went to a movie. I loved every minute of it. It was PERFECT! Thank you Daddy!
So it seems that the thing to do is tell 30 things about yourself on your thirtieth birthday. I will go ahead and jump on that wagon and share with you all a little more about ME! Some facts, flaws, dreams, confessions, etc! I hope you don't get to bored!
1. I was nearly born on the sidewalk. My dad took my mom to the wrong door a the hospital. It was about five in the morning. My mom laid down on the sidewalk, ready to give birth right there. Luckily, they go her inside, and I was already coming out.
2. I was a tow head when I was little. Now you know where Ava gets it!
3. I peed my bed til I was about 8. I broke the habit when my grandma promised to buy me new bedding if I stopped. It worked. I wish she would have made me that offer a little earlier! It would have saved me some embarrassment!
4. I have had braces TWICE! And the second time I was 27 years old. My mouth is worth a fortune, as I have a tooth implant where I just happened to be missing a very important front tooth . . . about $7000 dollars later, I got one! And it looks dang good if you ask me! (PS. . . I paid for every cent of it myself (no dental insurance), with my hard earned money from Realife Photo!)
5. I LOVE Ellen Degeneres . . . not in a Lesbian sort of way, seeing as how I am not a lesbian, but I think she is one of the funniest people on the planet.
6. I DO NOT LOVE being in the spotlight. They always say that the more you do things in front of people, the easier it gets . . . WRONG AGAIN! Not in my case. I cannot tell you how many times I have sung, played piano, given speeches, had to answer questions . . . . It gets worse for me every time I do it. I feel like I am going to have a heart attack. I avoid it like the plague.
7. I have degree in Social Work. And when my kids are all in School, I plan on getting a Masters in Education.
8. If there were do-overs in life, I would do so many things over. (that is a whole other blog) I wish so bad that I wouldn't have thought I was too cool to play an instrument in middle and high school. If I could go back, I would have played the Cello. I would love to be in a symphony.
9. I love loose change. We call it "gray money" around here. I try to follow the 10 commandments, but that "though shalt not steal" one really gets me every time I am around loose change. I take it out of Damon's car all the time and put it in my own special change jar. You should all hide your spare change if I am around. I can't make any promises that I won't take it and use it for my own selfish desires!
10. I am Compassionate Service Leader at Church . . . yet . . . I am the LEAST compassionate person I know. I think that I am supposed to learn something from this, and obviously haven't learned it yet . . . because I just can't seem to get myself released!
11. When I was 16, I let me friend who didn't have a license drive my brand new 4 door Geo Metro . . Blue of course, from the gas pump up to the building to pay . . . all of 100 feet . . . And she ran that beautiful piece of machinery right up over the curb and into the building. It caused about $2500 worth of damage. We split the price and had to work our whole Junior Year to pay my dad off. That sad thing is, is two months later, I totaled the same car. Dang. My dad still made us pay!
12. I have no rhythm. I can't dance. I used to TRY to fake it in high school and college, but now I have come clean, so no one has to suffer anymore!
13. I never wanted kids, because I grew up in such a huge family, and I was basically changing diapers and watching kids from the time I was about 5. I knew how much work it was and I just didn't want any part of it. Everyone told me it would be different if they were my own. I didn't believe it. But I do now. Having kids has made me a better person.
14. I have had my heart broken once, it took me years to get over.
15. I hate traveling.
16. I am deathly afraid of the ocean, yet I lived in Hawaii for 3 years. Weird!
17. I LOVE talk radio. I listen to it all the time. It drives my kids crazy.
18. I was training for a half marathon when I got pregnant this time, and after that, I was going to continue on and do a full marathon. I had to quit training, but once I have this little girl, I am lacing up those shoes and getting myself ready. I can't wait to conquer 26.2! It get excited just thinking about it!
19. Pretty soon I will be packing heat . . as I will be applying for a concealed weapons permit on Monday! That also gets me excited when I think about it.
20. I grew up on a farm and my favorite animal is a cow. I think they are so cute, those huge eyes and long eyelashes . . . . and they are so gentle.
21. I never rode a roller coaster until I was 28. I am not real fond of rides, as they make me want to vomit. I would hate for that to happen all over people. I managed to hold it in and somewhat enjoy the ride!
22. I went skydiving once, and had a complete blast, but I would never do it again.
23. I SWORE I would never marry Damon. I am so glad I did. He is s a great husband and he can really put up with a lot of things I throw at him on a daily basis! Poor guy. He is such a trooper.
24. I am NOT concerned with what others think of me.
25. I speak my mind WAY too often. I really should learn to keep my mouth shut!
26. I work way too much, and I need to knock that off. My family is way more important than extra money.
27. I clean too much. Just a little OCD over here.
28. I swear too much.
29. I eat too much.
30. It took me a long time to really like myself. But I can honestly say that I do now! Too bad it took me so long to figure this one out. I am an imperfect woman. . . .. But trying hard every day (okay, some days I don't really try that hard) to become better. I have a great life. I am so blessed. Hopefully my next thirty years will be as great, or even better than the first thirty! Its all up to me and the choices I make :).
i could say "I SWORE" I would never marry you, but I don't remember if I ever said it. I'm glad I didn't. I have always loved you. Pretty good chance I always will.
Happy Birthday, yesterday! I actually remembered yesterday that it was your birthday... I remember every year. And, I still remember your birthday parties, especially the one when we sewed stockings!
I love that even though we haven't really seen each other in years (FM doesn't really count) that I knew a lot of the things about you! You were an amazing person at 5 years old, and you still are!
Happy Birthday!
Sounds like you had a great time. I love the card too, that must have taken FOREVER to do. I also loved the thirty factoids about ya. It's so fun all of us turing 30 around the same time, we're growin up...
Happy Birthday Libbie! Love your birthday gift. What a great card. Your Damon is great and your children adorable! :) Love 30 things about Libbie. You are so stinkin' fun!
Packing heat for your 30th? WOW you are getting daring! Happy Birthday Libbie!
Very fun! 30 IS old though ---- geez! I suppose it's all relative - you are one fun girl! LOVE the happy birthday card. Your girls are cuties!
Happy Happy Birthday Libbie Dear!!! Happy 30th! Sounds like you had a pretty good time. Loved reading you list.
Happy Birthday LIBB. You are the coolest imperfect person I know! Packing Heat? You really are a stud.
OCD is okay.
Happy Birthday, Libbie!!
The big 3-0! (Nicks birthday is on the 20th.)
That photo card is soo darling!
I loved hearing 30 things about you!
And, I have always thought that you were beautiful (in case you were wondering.)
Man, I miss you guys! Those days at TVA were so fun!
I would have kids with Damon too. He's irresistable. Happy Birthday Libbie. I can't believe you'll have your CCP before me. Don't go cheap on the gun either. Get a good one. Shouldn't be hard with the loads of change you got piled up.
Happy Birthday Libbie!!!!!!!!!! Sounds like you had a great one! I too, love the card! That is so great! Damon is so good at that! He did a wonderful job with our family pictures and really, my mom and dad LOVE THEM!!!! I can't thank you two wonderful people enough. She talks about them all the time! Thanks so much. I loved all the facts about you! I learned some stuff! So fun! You are such a fun, thoughtful person Libbie! Have a great birthday!
Happy Belated Birthday Libbie!!!! I love, love, love the birthday card Damon made you of out of photos of your girls. He is so dang talented! I also love your factoids about yourself - I learned a few things about you :). I hear you though - I turned thirty late last month too and I don't feel a day over 21. :)
i loved that post! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! i loved the pictures that damon took..you need to hang that up!
Happy 30th Libbie! I am so glad you had a good one. I still have another 6 months before I hit the big 30! Yeah! I loved the 30 things about you. What a fun idea!
Happy Birthday Libbie! Sounds like you had a great day!
you already have 15 comments to your post, but I can't NOT post....this was great! true honesty....always funny. happy birthday by the way. can't wait to FOR SURE see you guys next time we are in WA. I look forward to that.
Oh, I loved every word of it. It reminds me of why I loved you so much in college. Not in an Ellen sort of way- just as a friend. I remebered your b-day all day, and of course did nothing about it. BUt, I was thinking of you and even told Brian. Sounds like you had a great day.
Oh, and I wouldn't say you were not compassionate. I remember you doing kind things all the time, including watching my brand new baby so that I could go to the temple- and I'm pretty sure he pooped on you.
Happy belated 30th to you...I have been on the other side of 29 since August, and life is still going on. So you like Ellen now huh? I remember in 4th grade, you did a report on Rosanne Barr, and you said that she tried being skinny, didn't like it, so she got fat again. Weird how I remember that...and it doesn't even have anything to do with your list. Oh ya, you and Lisa should get together for a cleaning party, since you sound like her in that regard. Maybe when we have you guys over for dinner, and Damon and I are upstairs playing Wii, you two can clean. And kudos to Damon for the great birthday card. Have a Happy New Year!
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