I love my Nish with all my heart. We have such a history. She came to live with our family when we were 16 years old and we have been inseperable ever since. Through high school, college, married life, babies . . . You just don't find amazing friends/sisters like this every day. I have been so blessed to have her. Through thick and thin (literally!), I have always been able to count on her. And Phil, Uncle Phil, what an amazing guy. My kids are absolutley in love with this big Tongan Teddy Bear. I just love and respect him so much. They are already so confused . . . . wondereing where they are!
For the last 10 months or so Nish and Phil have lived with us and what a treat it has been. I was going through the list in my head of things I am actaually going to have to do today . . . . .for example: watch my own kids, clean my own house, take the garbage out, mow my own lawn, make dinner, entertain myself . . . this list goes on. I can never thank them enough for helping me out so much. I had to take my kids to the store today, and it got quite ugly. Edyn sure has a set of pipes on her when she doesn't get what she wants. I can't just say, Hey Nish, I am going to Walmart, can you watch my kids for a minute! Nope, I am gonna have to step it up in the mother department.
On a positive note, I may lose a few pounds, because I can no longer go down and ask Phil if they have any special treats to share with me . . . like ding dongs, chocolate covered peaunuts, cookies, etc.
I know with time it will get easier to adjust to them being gone, but for now, I am going to go cry myself to sleep and hope that they make it to New Zealand with out Richy Boy going too crazy. And I have already started my New Zealand fund. We will be going in a year and a half, not this Christmas, but next. I can hardly wait.

I'm sorry, that is sad. It's like you've gotten to lead a pilgamist lifestyle without sharing your man. I bet Tanisha's so freakin happy to have that plane ride over. Here I thought I was the most uncomfortable person on the planet.
Ohhh libbie. I am so sad for you. Don't you hate it when life changes? I do. I feel you on the never ending tears....can't keep my eyes dry either...its just been one of those weeks. Hang in there and good luck with your little ladies.
Libbie! I am so sorry! That would be so hard! I am glad that you've already started your New Zealand fund though and what a fun place that will be to visit! How old is Tanisha's baby? He is so cute! I love that hair!
I second Lesley's ? on Tanisha's baby...
And, it will get better. I remember when Ryan and Taylor moved out (Jeff's brother lived with us for 7 months when he and Melani got a divorce). I was so sad. I missed both of them. But, now it is more like I am an Auntie to Tay and I love that!
I also forgot to mention... how great that you get to visit! Jeff's sister moved to Japan yesterday. I can't wait to go visit!
That is Tanisha's little boy, we call him Richy Boy. He has crazy hair, Phil won't cut it til he's five. I have pulled it back so many times and put it in a pony cause it gets in his face, but it is way curly and cute.
libbie..i totally know who phillip is~i remember him from byu-h..that's so neat that they married each other..there personalities must really compliment each other:) so cute! i bet you're so sad..take care:)
How sad! Your blog made me cry. Hopefully she can start up a blog so you guys can still keep in contact. Every time I spend time with Sherri in Boise I always cry when I leave. I can't imagine what your going through.
Libbie- It was so good to see a picture of them. I want a close up of their little boy- I can tell he is beautiful just by the top of his head. I didn't know they were living with you- how fun. And now for the serious comment... Can we come with you to New Zealand. I have ALWAYS wanted to go and it would be SO fun with you. What do you think?????
of course you can come with us! Start your fund now. we have about 16 months to save! It will be a blast!
Crazy! I just saw Phillip at the "Daniel's Auction" in Richland last month. What the heck are they going so far away for? Is he teaching there?
Cute answers on your tag list.
im sorry libbie! just keep busy with the girls and planning your trip!
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