Wednesday, January 2, 2013

I Forgot to Tell You . . . . . .

One of my resolutions last year was to run 1200 miles. I didn't make it. Not even close.  My total was  921.1. When I made that goal, it seemed so do-able.  But then I remembered I have 2 jobs, 3 kids, and a husband. Oh. . .  and I hate running. I only do it for the social aspect. And the t-shirts. And I like to eat. So it keeps me from becoming obese. 
 I quit being mad at myself a long time ago when I realized I wasn't going to make it. Life just happened. I sure wish I would have made it to 1200, but I don't think I'm a loser for not getting there. I still ran 2 marathons, 3 half marathons, and hundreds and hundreds of miles on top of that. That's winning.

I also made the resolution to be more fun. That lasted about a month. I'm not fun. I"m boring. Get used to it.

Also, I totally lied in my last post when I said I wasn't making any resolutions this year. I forgot that I accidentally made a few.

1. Continue to NOT care about Pinterest. 

2. Run less.

3. Watch more TV. . . . . and not anything educational or uplifting. Just plain garbage. Reality crap. Stuff that dumbs me down. I don't want to have to   think. . . . .   except about how ridiculous people are and how normal I feel watching them be idiots.

4. Figure out how to get to New Zealand. Which might mean I need 3rd job. 

Did you know . . . . that when your dermatologist says, "you have very active follicles" what he actually means is, "you have severe acne for a 35 year old." 

5. De-activate follicles (please read that in your best robot voice).

That's is all. 
Happy New Year.