Yes. VERY Stupid. I still can't believe I actually did it. I try to forget but the whole "not being able to walk" thing quickly reminds me that I ran a half marathon yesterday even though I neglected that whole training thing. Don't judge me. I've been busy (more on that in my next blog).
For some idiotic reason, I thought it wouldn't be so bad. It was bad. It wasn't just bad, it was HORRIBLE. Cardiovascularly (is that even a word) I was fine. It was my knees, hips and feet that were screaming at me the whole time. I now know what it feels like to be a 95 year old woman. I seriously considered calling my mother in law (she isn't 95 . . . yet) and asking her if I could borrow her walker afterwards (it does have a seat to sit down on...... so very tempting), but I opted to sit myself down on my bum to go down the stairs, and whine the whole day about being immobile.
I finished. I ran about 12.2 of the 13.1 miles. I hated it. I would have rather given birth with no epidural (I've done it three times, and believe me, the half marathon was worse). I don't know if I ever want to run again. Damon scolded me and said, "I hope you learned your lesson." I did.

Kevin. He was supposed to be my running partner. Apparently I didn't run fast enough for him, as he ditched me about 1/4 of a mile in. Rude.

Be grateful you can't smell me through this picture.

Probly a good thing he ditched me, cause he took third in his age bracket! Good job.

You are way ahead of me. I wouldn't have even attempted it after training. LOL
Great job!
You look amazing! Great job!
Awesome!! You are crazy. That is one of the things I just love about you. Good job. . .
Ok, seriously... you look great! I wish I looked as teeny tiny as you- and I HAVE been training and running my butt off.
Reading this officially makes me more nervous for October 4th than I ever have been... what was I thinking? Great job pushing through the pain and finishing. Looks like you had a great group to run with! :)
I want to prep with you girls for the next time! What an accomplishment! Be proud! Obviously you have done some training because you look DANG skinny. All you Reil girls do!
Awesome job!
Hold on there Libbie because I am going to JUDGE you.
I think you did incredible!
When Lisa told me about how sore you were I felt so bad for you. I also thought that you were so brave to go ahead and do something that was so hard to do.
So you bet I judge you.
I judge you as a great role model!
who needs hips/knees/feet anyways?
i've been there.
after one race, i decided it didn't hurt if i just walked backwards.
i walked backwards for 3 days.
besides- you're WORKING that red top (sexy whistle)
Was there a prize? I think I'd need a prize. Self satisfaction and accomplishment isn't a good enough reward for me.
I am already excited for the next one! We did great!
a couple things...
1. can totally smell you through the photo! :) hehehe
2. TIGER BALM! Wore my cute little hiking boots to institute yesterday, but in able to make it on time I had to run to the going from flats all summer to 3 lb. shoes and running ended up giving me shin splints this I just rubbed some tiger balm on them to speed up the healing process
3. good for you for doing a marathon. Seriously, you ladies have inspired me!
So very.. very.. very... impressed! I'm hoping maybe one day to accomplish such a task...right now though I just enjoy talking about running really long distances. Oh and eating dinner with those who can (next time do join us for dinner)!
Holy smokes you look skinny.
Congrats, you are amazing, as always :)
There is a half in Sacramento in December! I think you should all come down!
a half marathon? how fun! where was it, kennewick?
Congrats! That is awesome! At least you were standing at the end of your race. I sat down and could not even stand cuz I was going to pass out. I hit a wall at mile 10. Way to go!
I am amazed by you! What an accomplishment. That is NOT on my list of things to do before I die. You have my respect for sure! I love that picture of you all slummped over. If a picture is worth a thousand words then that says it all!
I, Meghan K. Reil will not do the 1/2 marathon ever again but will stick to my little 5k's.
Bekie looks way too happy in all the pictures...(I'm not used to getting my butt kicked). I am very proud of you all and very impressed, you crazy sisters of mine!
1.You looking smoking hot in your runners gear.
2. Congrats on the run. I'm doing my first race on Halloween- a 5K. Baby steps...
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