There's nothing more attractive than a 32 year old Damon, wearing the crown his girlies gave him for his birthday. NOTHING. And I'm serious about that. How fortunate I am to have a husband who loves and adores his daughters
and treats their mommy like a queen . . . . I suppose I should be wearing the crown. Life is good. REALLY GOOD!
He makes a lovely prince(ss) in that tiara. What a guy. I am the only girl at my house so I get the whole being the only thing and again I say what a guy. Happy Birthday Damon.
Nothing better than a manly man who knows how to make his girls happy! Happy Birthday!
old.. so old. very old. can you get any older?
You're having a birthday, shout hurray! We're going to sing to you today! One year older and wiser too! Happy birthday, to YOU! :)
Gee, 32 years old AND a german chocolate B-Day cake. I had to do a double take to make sure it wasn't Doanld.
Happy Birthday wishes to one good guy!
Aaaaarrrrggggghhhhh! I just spelled my own son's name wrong! I'm never going to live this one down.
I can't believe he is 32! We are all getting old! And I agree...you are a lucky girl. He is a good little husband and daddy!
oh what a lovely photo! yes, he is a good man:)...good job on running..i would've felt the same way..ha!ha!
Happy [belated] birthday Damon!
What a good sport! Happy birthday from the Davis'
Love the crown. Gotta admire a guy willing to do that for his girls.
Happy Birthday Damon!
that cake looks delicious!
He is a very cute birthday boy!! There is nothing better than a Dad that is not afraid to let his girls dress him up once in a while :)
soo sexy. nice crown. happy B-day from your lame friends.
Way to go Libbie on the half marathon! I am impressed! You are so skinny too! You look great! Happy Birthday to Damon. I, too, love the crown! What a sport!
Thanks for the birthday wishes! And how funny is the Amanda thing. It is a small world. after all. (just kidding.)
New post! New post! New post!
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