Four years ago today, May 15, 2005
at 5:30 pm

Ava Allene
aka . . . "Bayba" was born!
(I know....... her cheeks were, and are still absolutely amazing)!

Ava is my number 2 little lady. Many of you know her, and if you don't, you are TRULY missing out . . . . as she is definitely ONE OF A KIND!
*She was by far our best baby. Great sleeper, great sucker, mellow, laid back. . . . (gone are those days)!
*Ava is our "spirited" child
*she loves to sing
*she is one SASSY broad (i am certain she inherited that trait from her daddy)
*she loves her sisters
*she loves her friends
*loves Ms. Beckner (her preschool teacher)
*loves Sister Wilder (her Sunday School teacher)
*loves her aunts and uncles
*she loves the stage, and is constantly serenading us.
*she has one volume . . . LOUD
*she is very determined
*wants to "do the drums" when she grows up, as well as working at the studio (like mother like daughter)
Words cannot describe how much I love this little Bayba.

Happy Birthday to Bayba..... Babalicious.......Cutie Sweetie....... BaybaLoo!
I hear quite a lot about little Miss Ava. (Don't worry it's all good). She is definitly the Fairchild's Lorelai.
I love spunky little girls!
Her cheeks are so amazing! I love it! Looks like a 'wild' party, and just the kind I love. Have good day Lib and I'm very happy that you found your ring also.
Happy Birthday! 2 days late, sorry. Kinda took a blog break.
She is really beautiful, I love her little round face. It's funny you call her bayba, we called Abbey and Lindsay that too.
She is a doll! Happy Birthday Ava!
i need a girl.
even if she's sassy.
happy b-day to ava! i love her cheeks too!! she's so cute!
Oh how I adore Ava! Such spunk!
And those cheeks...amazing!
I must say that this little gal from the get go...has thee best set of cheeks I think I have ever laid eyes on! SOOOOO cute. Her ringletty (?) hair with piggy tails...delish! Happy b-day to her!
happy four!
Wow, I can't believe how grown up Eva is. Also, did you change your blog page? I had to go through Mary's to get to your. Let me know how to fix my issues.
Those cheeks beckon for pinches and kisses! Happy birthday to your little sassy!
She is so cute! She would get along great with my girls. My Tay LOVES Hannah Banana. They might just have to rock out together sometime.
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