Seriously. All it does is cause me grief. Why? Oh, because I say butt, and so do so many other kids and adults that I know. And every time I, or anyone else, get caught saying it (even if it is an innocent "but", I (or anyone else) get yelled at by my darlings, "MOM YOU SAID THE B-WORD!"
So, I have decided that I might just tell them that they can say it all they want. You know, use the reverse psychology thing. I'll let them get it out of their system, and then maybe after a couple of days, they won't make such a big deal of it and my life will be so much better all because of one stupid word.
Also, the word "freaking." Really. Can I get mad at them for saying it, when I also say it, and so many other people say it. Tonight Ava called her cousin a "freaking boy head." I laughed right out loud, because it was funny, but (oooooohhhhh I wrote the b-word) it really hits home when I hear my kids say these words that I say that are so not classy.
I think I can handle my kids saying "butt." "Freaking," however is not gonna fly. Dang. This means I am going to have to clean up my act. If anyone has any suggestions, please feel free to help a girl out here!
2. I just couldn't wait any longer. We put up our Christmas tree tonight. These pictures don't do it justice, because it is soooo pretty. For the last few years I have done a silver and gold tree. But this year I decided to spice it up a little and add red. I do need to go to the neighbors (Walmart) and get some more red ornaments though. Christmas time makes me so happy! My goal this holiday season, besides the giving part of course, is to not eat myself sick for the next month and a half.

Confession: I have not gone out running in over a week. I can't bring myself to face the frigid air out there. So....I am thinking of getting a membership to that new gym up the street so I don't completely lose all I have worked running 3 miles. That would stink...big time.
Lisa: I am joining the gym up the street. Lets meet and be running partners! Are you talking Club 24? This will work out great (if thats the gym you are talking about!)
It sucks when your kids make you act appropriate. Tayson loves to tell you if you are saying a "bad" word. Of course "freakin", "crap", "stupid",and "dumb" are forbidden by Tayson. But he says it in such a polite way "Mom, please don't say freakin." "Blake don't say crap please."
On a different note, didn't you and Lisa, if I am not mistaken, say how much you LOVE fall. And I was the only dissenting opinion. Because fall leads to winter, which is cold! Obviously, I would run every day if it wasn't cold out. And I didn't work all day. And I didn't have three kids. And a husband. Well, maybe I wouldn't but the cold still sucks! (I think "sucks" is a bad word on Tayson's list too)
I hope you get someone to go running with you. I so would if I was up there! I really want to start something like that, but really have nobody to do it with.
I was laughing at the "butt" and "freakin'" bans at your house! We have words that are banned too, and I ALWAYS get zinged from the kids when I use them in front of them! Talk about shooting yourself in the foot!
PS- I love Kath and Kim too!
I am glad that your freaking butt finally did another post. But(t) on the freaking serious side, I am glad that there is someone else that enjoys K&K. It freaking cracks my butt up. Both Lisa and my Mom are not impressed with it, but(t)I enjoy it. Phil's butt freaking makes me laugh. I enjoyed that guy when he was on Arrested Development, and I freaking enjoy him on that show too.
I think the freaking gym that Lisa's butt was looking to work out at was the new Hansen Park fitness. They have a 2 for 1 deal right now. At least they freaking did a couple weeks ago. You and Damon should join, so his freaking butt and my freaking butt can work out together, followed by yours and Lisa's butts.
So what words have you banned your kids from saying? I guess I will look back at the freaking post so my butt can refresh its memory, so I can avoid saying the words in front of your kids.
Have a freaking good weekend!
I laughed out loud about #1 and then I laughed so hard I have a little tear when I read Donald's comment. I subbed for Carter's teacher thurs/fri and had this conversation:
child: "...freakin'..."
me: "Freakin' is not a nice thing to say."
other child: "My big brother who is a teenager and rides four wheelers says freakin' and then "a". He swears a lot. So does my dad."
other child: "My dad teaches us all to swear."
other child: "Everyone at my house swears but me."
other child: "Even my mom swears."
There you have it. Pretty much everyone has a potty mouth according to this batch of first graders.
I also love Dwight K. Shrute (sp?) and I have yet to see Kath and Kim. I'll have to make it a point.
I don't allow the "b" either but that is not the one that gets us in trouble. Our trouble word is the "s" word - you know, "stupid" I am pretty good at not saying it but Kai uses it often as does the rest of the world. It got ugly when my darling daughter started to chastize the primary president on her choice of language.I have had to work very hard on telling the kids- "yes, other people say it and we will let their mom's worry about it- but we don't say it."
I really want to want to run. Good luck with the cable run.
You young mothers today are sure on top of things. The only words I would crack down on with my kids were the actual swear words. Other, "not so nice words" were judged on the content in which they were used. It was allowed to say, "I hate this stupid homework" however if I heard "You are so stupid" then I would intervene, and explain that you don't call people stupid. When they were older (especially Donald, I knew he had developed a filthy mouth) I knew that I had no control over the language they used outside of our house, so I just had to settle for chastising them if I heard it at home.
BTW Donald is right. I suffered through about 15 minutes of Kath & Kim and couldn't stomach any more of it. It looks to me like it's just a one joke show.
And last but not least, I have had a red and gold tree for about five years now. I found quite a few of my decorations at the dollar store. I also decided three years ago to put red lights on the tree along with the white ones, and OH what a differenc that made. I have gotten so many compliments on it every year.
The Christmas tree looks awesome! Stop worrying about your weight! You have the cutest "butt" in the world and you always look spectacular to me! I couldn't call you my BFF if you weren't so hot! Evan looks cute in his princess pjs, it is nice of you to have a slumber party.
I really wanted to love Kath & Kim, I am giving them another try. I think they will get better. I really liked the last episode. As far as the kids and words, (sigh)I am guilty for holding them to a much higher standard than I hold myself. The first word to really be thrown out was stupid. AKA calling people and things stupid. I finally told them they shouldn't call people stupid to their faces, but there are definitely a lot of stupid people in this world. We will just keep that to our selves. Besides, they would be too stupid to know they were stupid anyway.
I love the Christmans Tree! VERY IMPORTANT! I agree with Erika..nice booty.
The big one at our house is "Oh my gosh!". I never realized how much I said it until I told Claire that it wasn't the best way to talk, now I get a lecture from her about 5 times a day.
I also love Dwight, and I also have a love/hate relationship with exercising. We've got a lot in common. No wonder I look at you sometimes and think you're so pretty!
Not sure if I wouldn't die also, but I have been running every night Lib, so maybe that would be a good goal to set. You might have to talk me into it though, because I'm not sold yet. Hey, we gonna bust some caps Saturday?
1. Davin has tattled on me (to Brian) several times for saying the "sh" word. No, no- not that one- just "shut up".
2. Dwight Shrute is a stallion, for sure. But, would you cut off my friendship if I told you that Andy Bernard has stolen my heart this season. Hellloo- he's a Cornell grad. What's not to love?
3. And, here's some secret advice... If you don't want to, or are unprepared to run in a race that you've committed to- just get pregnant. Works every time.
libbie i LOVE your tree so pretty! well i must say great minds think alike..i've always done my tree in silver and white ..but last year pier 1 had a huge 75% off after christmas sale and i bought a bunch of red ornaments and year i'm going to add red to my tree so i'm so excited to bust it all out this weekend!! and that freaking boy is the coolest in the world...he looks like he has a blast with your girls and i can tell by all their faces that they get along:)
pretty tree. it's a manly as a genuine navajo turqouise ring. (kath and kim quote).
My sister told me to watch Kath & Kim so I got online to check it out and laughed so hard watchig her walk around the house in her workout attire. Now I'm hooked:)
I love your tree; it's so fancy. Our tree is totally a family tree with all of the kids ornaments from school and church all over it. I can't wait until we have a bigger house and we can have one of each. A fancy one for me. A muticolored family one for the kids.
I have yet to see Kath and Kim...and I've only seen a few episodes of The Office, guess I better do some catching up. I hear they are both heeelarious!
I love your tree. I need to go buy a bunch of pretty balls because the twins broke/ate almost all of them last year (ok, I got most of the glass out of their mouths before they swallowed :) I agree with you on the "freaking" word. Let's stop together, cold turkey. I hate the word yet I say it all the time.
I just watched Kath and Kim the other day, and I have to say, it was pretty hilarious.
I had the same dilemma with the whole "butt" thing, but I can't say the word bottom or bumb, so my kids have grown up with the word "butt" being OK. Now my kids are constantly being corrected at school and at church. I told them "butt" is short for buttocks, so they can say that and can't get in trouble. We'll see how that flies.
P.S. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
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