So I spent today at a gun training class, as I have not the slightest idea about guns. I just know that I want to be able to protect myself and my family if need be. I just PRAY that I never have to use it, but am so glad that we live in the best country on earth, and that I am allowed to have a gun.
I loved the class. We spent the first three hours getting educated. Then we spent four hours at the range. Let's just say that I was basically sucking it up. I could not hit the target for the life of me. In my head I was thinking, Gee Whiz, what is the point of me having a gun if I am going to miss some thug who is trying to kill me?
All my other classmates were doing just fine, and there was another girl there who had never shot a gun before. So I asked my instructor if they had Special Ed classes for people like me. No dice. I was trying to explain to him that my eyes would get blurry when I was trying to line up the sight and all that jazz. It would take me forever, and then I would shoot, and every time I would be high and right. So come to find out, I am a right handed shooter, but my left eye is dominant. Hmmmmm . . so all I have to do is shut my right eye, and what do you know . . . I was hitting that target like no one's business. It makes me feel just a little . . . well, more like A LOT empowered!

I still have a ton to learn, so I will be taking many more classes and putting a lot of time in at the range. Especially since I bought myself a new toy . . . Its a P22 Walther.
(Yes, yes, I know that 22's are small, but I wanted to start off with something little that I could get comfy with and work my way up). I don't see myself packing Walt around with me for a long time, until I get WAY better and more comfortable with guns. And don't worry . . . . . I am being very VERY safe. Anyone who knows me well, knows that I am probably the most cautious person on the planet, especially with three little princesses in my house.
So there you have it. This is how I spent my Saturday. And I loved every minute of it!
Libbie, you rock and you are my hero. I so want to take classes as well. Aaron wants a gun.
WOW Libbie. I am BLOWN away! Who know? I have fired a gun before and I was so not prepared for how powerful that sucker was. It practically knocked me off my feet. But then it was a really big powerful one that belonged to one of my uncles and I think I was 18.
I love that even though you weren't hitting the target you just kept on anyway. Maybe one day you will be so good that you can go to competitions.
what the shat? guns? it's like i don't even know you. please tell me you're at least wearing high heels when you're packing heat.
You finally did it - CONGRATS! I'm going to start calling you 007 or something :)
OK, you are definately a hot mama now! Congrats on wanting something....and making it happen!
girl you are full of surprises! I don't know if I could ever do that but GOOD for you. I bet I'd love it though and J-man has been bugging me to get my licence forever.
Wow - this totally came out of nowhere... I was not expecting this?! Does Damon shoot? I'm blown away.
I am so JEALOUS! I will do that one day too! So you with your gun shooting skills and me with my defensive tactics training are going to be a great team!
Don't you know guns kill people? You must be some evil republican. How dare you have a gun! Now Kennewick is more dangerous, not safe! I bet you support the military too, don't you???
Please don't use your gun. Hug a tree instead, and help us stop Global Warming. Don't use plastic bags or any other kind of plastic. And don't dare make us drill for more oil. Do you know how many polar bears that would kill? And I bet you buy your clothes instead of making them out of hemp. You are pure evil!
And lastly Miss Have a gun now that might shoot a child, I think you need to pay higher is only fair after all.
Fear Monger!
There....I know you were hoping for a comment from some crazy lib. I figured that you weren't going to get one, so I helped out.
One, this is my first comment ever and I hope you feel special that I am using my first on you. Second, I fully support all of Donald's opinons, except using plasic bags...use all you want. Third, I know you have wanted this for a long time so I will still be your friend. I hope it makes you feels more secure, but just be careful!!!!
You are one tough broad! Can't wait to get one myself! Do you think Walt comes in pink?
Now that you have Walt, I think all the hoodlums will be able to clearly see just how stinkin tough you are. Do you have your locks/safes etc?
My husband is totally jealous you'll be packing heat and he's won't. He's wanted a hand gun forever just never actually taken the steps to make it happen. Congratulations!
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