Thursday, August 7, 2008

Confessions: The Third Installment

Like I said, I could write a book of all my confessions, but I try to break them up, as to not shock people with my evil/gross/lazy ways.

1. I "start eating right" every Monday. I get myself all geared up to eat right and exercise every Sunday night. Monday morning I wake up ready to conquer this weight loss thing and get me a killer body, FOR REALS THIS TIME. After a bowl of Weight Control Oatmeal, I go strong til approximately 10am and I just can't take it anymore. So what do I do? I eat. EVERYTHING. Its like I'm an animal! (Nursing doesn't help. It make me ravenous.).

Now, some would think, well, you can do better tomorrow. But me, not so much. I figure, since I've blown it today, I will eat as much as I want for the rest of the day, and the remainder of the week, and then start again next Monday. Its like I think there is something magical about this day, that I am going to somehow get some self control on Monday. Why can't I start on Tuesday, or Wednesday? I will never know. I do think I am going to have to come up with a better system, as I am no where near having a killer body. Sometimes though, I just think it is worth it to carry around 15-17 extra pounds, just so I can enjoy eating my brains out.

I do know that I have some self control, I just have to dig down really deep and find it. I have lost the weight before, and I know I can do it again. We'll see how this coming up Monday works out for me.

2. This morning I took my girls to the dentist. (Sidenote: Ava was cavity free so now I don't feel like such a dirt bag mother, because I do exactly the same dental care for both of them, and Edyn of course had another one, to add to the ten she had in January. So apparently, Ava has a little more going for her in the teeth department.) While there, Ava had to go potty. Of course I took her in there, and do you know what the first thing I do is, after I set her on the toilet? Well, I head over to the mirror, to do some inspecting of my face.

I LOVE TO POP ZITS. I always have, and I always will. Not only do I love to pop my own, but other people's too (only if those "other people" do not gross me out, so consider yourself lucky if I have ever popped your zits. That means I don't think you are gross). The worst part of this disgusting habit, is that anywhere I go, if there is a mirror, you can bet I will stop and pick at a few of my blackheads. This includes at the dentist office, any dressing room while shopping, any bathroom, other people's houses, etc. I can't stop myself. I also need to find some self control in this area. So if you ever see me out in public with fingernail marks on my face . . . now you know why. Rest assured, I do wash my hands thoroughly after popping/picking.

3. Edyn and I have come to a compromise. When I cut her nails, I leave one of her thumb nails just long enough to pick her nose. She is completely satisfied with this.

4. My kids are quite the artists. We go through so much paper in this house, its insane. Anyone who knows me well, knows that I HATE stuff. I LOVE to throw things away. I am constantly throwing away their "precious"drawings. I feel so mean, but I just cannot for the life of me save all of them. They are always finding their "art" in the garbage. Then comes the ranting and raving from my little princesses. "Mom, you DO NOT throw away my pictures." Me, "Oh, how did that get there? We better save that one." And in my head I am thinking Crap, I have to be more careful, and not get caught next time.

So am I supposed to keep them all? I just don't see how this is possible.

5. Why I didn't teach my kids to go pee in the pool like all the other kids is beyond me. Oh, except for the fact that its DISGUSTING. I don't want to swim around in anyone's pee. I know, I know, the chlorine kills it. Yeah Yeah. I still grosses me out, BIG TIME.

I swear, Ava has to go pee like 8 times (this is NOT exaggerating) when we go to the pool. I used to take her to the bathroom every time. But that meant, I had to pack up Lila, get Edyn, and anyone else I am responsible for out of the pool, and cart them all into the bathroom. After a day of doing this over and over, I'd had enough. So ridiculous.

So I decided that she could go back very discreetly behind the garbage can and sit on the lower rail of the fence where no one could see her, and squat. She also enjoys this. for her its an adventure! So, every time we go swimming now, I secretly hope that there is no one there who catches me. Then I would really feel like a dirt bag.


Jennie @ Porch Swing Quilts said...

Love your confessions. Might have to try that out myself one day.
Oh, I should be packing.

Lisa Christine said...

I could have written number 4...because that's exactly me. I hate stuff too. And my girls draw picture after picture, after picture. I feel HORRIBLE when i throw them away (but I do anyways because I can't keep 200,000 pictres). I always bury them deep into the trash. And if I happen to get caught I act like it was all a big mistake.
Like I said....I could have written #4

StaceyOstler said...

So I just thought of how to make you a millionaire. You should right a book. It could be entilted "Confessions of a House Wife... Can anyone relate? You probably only need to come up with about 80 more confession installements. Get them bound in a book and Wallah you're rich! Everyone would buy it because we can all relate and you're a total crack -up with your blunt honesty.

My husband asked me what I was laughing about tonight while on the computer. I told him I was reading confessions on your blog. He started reading over my shoulder. After a few minutes he was rolling! I decided to show him confessions part 1 and 2 also. He didn't realize there was someone out there that was so similar to his wife. He thinks we may be long lost twins. Zit popping and all.

Jennie @ Porch Swing Quilts said...

Libbie - just go into settings on your dashboard and it asks you several questions about whether you want your blog searchable, etc. You can also go completely private, which means you have to list the people who can view your blog.

Kristen said...


First off, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your confessions. They make me laugh and make you sooooo much cooler than even I (who has ALWAYS idolized you) thought you were. :)

You can do what I do for weight loss---get your self-esteem down SO low that you starve yourself. It helps to look at the Victoria's Secret catalog daily.

j/k, j/k... last I saw you, you looked FANTASTIC!

hatch said...

You crack me up! I love your honest confessions. I think a book is in order.

Michelle & Rick said...

oh libbie! i miss you so much...and i just am so bad at blogging...and i finally check and i totally miss you being in town that so sucks...well next time right...we might have to make our way to your neck of the woods...well do you skype well check it out if you don't...its free and so much fun...

SuzanSayz said...

Libbie, I love to see how comfortable you are with yourself to bare your soul to all of us here in the blogging world. You know of course that for everything YOU admit to there are millions of people that do exactly the same thing, but keep it secret, for fear of what people will think of them. That makes you such a breath of fresh air! I'm not usually very shy when it comes to that kind of honesty either. If only other people could realize how much freedom there is in, not worrying what others might think of you. Keep it up Sista!!

SkeenMachine said...

You are hilarious! PS...I,m leaving today. 20 hours of travel here I come.

The Yancey Family said...

I feel so priviledged, I already knew all these things about you, except the compromise with Edyn about the nose-picking fingernail. I like that, I just might have to try it with my kids someday.

The Dean Family said...

you make me laugh so hard! i hear ya when it comes to being hungry while your nursing..i ate like a cow...i was starving all the time..i've heard though that you're burning a lot more caleries that's why the hunger's always there..who knows?!!??and your peeing confession is nothing...there's been times when ella tells me she has to go to the bathroom and we'll be somewhere and no bathroom in sight (like a parking lot) and she has to go RIGHT NOW...i just drop her drawers and let her go....when ya have to go you have to go:)

The Donald said...

How does Edyn pick her nose with her thumb? She must be really talented in the art of. booger extraction. And I am glad that you took my advice to make your next blog a confessions blog. Good reading! Even if you are a cruel artwork throwing away mother!

I bet it is because you now own a gun isn't it?

Nancie said...

thats why i love having boys. just whip it out and pee.

I pick too. When its quiet in our house, mitch will call out to see where I am. Almost always i holla from the bathroom!

Lydia said...

Libbie, you crack me up.

Reil family said...

I love this post and the confessions. I don’t think I can be so honest and I am so impressed by all you are sharing.

Amy said...

You are SO funny. Good luck next Monday.!

My Three Sons said...

I love this list of confessions because I could echo many of them!! Especially the Monday morning diet thing. What a joke! I need to just have another "lifelong quest for good health". There was a time that a peice of candy or cake or whatever just didn't tempt me. Hmmm...those days are long past. ps you look awesome anyway!

Amy said...

I was so side tracted by the content of your confession that I forgot to tell you that My brother, Elder Chris Hendrickson, is now serving in the Richland area. So if you happen to see him, take care of him would ya??!


Oh, and I agree with the book idea, "Confessions of a Housewife." It has best seller written all over it!