You can see me on any given day, out in public in the most ghastly state. (sidenote: I only see people I know out in public when I look like white trash. Any rare occasion when I look cute, I don't see a soul who knows me, so my efforts are all in vain). I am usually wearing sweats of some sort. I have an undying love of sweats, but this is a whole different post for another day. In the winter I have a plethora of sweats. Black, navy, red, grey, green . . . . the list goes on. I wear them so frequently that I even got myself many pairs of "dress sweats." Dress sweats would be sweats that you can glam up a little, you know, maybe wear some jewels with, or maybe they have a matching jacket. Heck, you could even wear heels with some of them if you wanted to. Most people don't wear sweats in the summer, but I do. I simply buy capri sweats, or if I want to show a little skin, I will wear what you would call knickerbocker sweats . . . you know, the ones that go just past your knee.
I wish that my frumpyness only consisted of me wearing sweats, but it gets worse. This is my morning routine: I usually roll out of bed (I am SO not a morning person) and the first thing I do, is put on a white V-Neck mens t-shirt (I have so many I can't count) that I have worn the previous two days, and try to find myself a fresh pair of sweats. Fresh sweats are hard to find when you do laundry as little as I do. If no clean sweats are available, I simply put on a "previously worn pair" (sounds better than filthy dirty).
You will be happy to know that I do brush my teeth every day, sometimes two or three times. This is something that I just cannot and will not let slide. What I don't do, except maybe once or twice a week, is my hair an makeup. It simply takes too much time to tame my gnarly knots. I am pretty sure there is some unwritten rule, that you shouldn't wear make up and a have cute hair if you are wearing dirty sweats, a pair of three year old flip flops and a shirt that not only has food stains on it, but also smells like rotten baby spit up.
So there you have it. My first confession. I am a FRUMP. And I cannot see that changing anytime soon. (the good news is that my husband still thinks I am hot. What can I say, when you got it, YOU GOT IT!)

2. Even though I have let myself slide . . . . . . I have always made it a point to at least have my kids looking cute. I used to make sure that they were all dolled up every day. Cute hair, cute outfit, smelly good lotion . . . . the works. Not so much anymore. They are at the age where they want to dress themselves, and it is just not worth the fight. I simply let them wear what they want. And yes . . . . they too wear it out in public. So my second confession: I don't care that my kids also look like orphans . . . because they aren't.

3. Before I was a mom, I swore I would never do a lot of things. Then I became a mom, and that all changed. For example. My three year old . . . . Yes that would be three, still has a binki. I must confess, I did break her of the binki a long time ago. She was doing pretty well without it. But recently, I was so stinking tired, and I needed a nap in the worst way. The only way I could get the girl to take a nap was to offer her a binki. Sold. She took the bait. But she has had it ever since. I only let her have it, because it simply makes my like easier. Shame on me. But at least she takes naps again, and every once in a while I sneak one in. I will start to get myself geared up to get rid of it again here really soon . . .. maybe.

4.I re-use pull-ups! AHHHHHHHH!!! My husband thinks its so gross. But I have gotten really cheap in my old age. If they are not wet after being used, well heck, they are still good as new, so we use them again, and sometimes, again! Please tell me I am not the only one. (If I am, then I am really gross)!
I could write a book with all my confessions, but I will have to save some more for a later date, as I have some housecleaning to do, and all my sweats and t-shirts are in desperate need of being laundered.
I have a few things to say:
#1--You rock that I love NY t-shirt like nobody's business
#2--I frequently leave the house in a nightshirt that barely covers my butt and get a McDonald's drive-thru diet coke
#3--While looking at my blog the other day, my friend's dad said, "Kristen sure dresses different than she did in high school... I mean, there's not one photo of her on here in pajama pants and a man's sweatshirt."
#4--I want to lay by your pool. Indefinitely. Is that going to be a problem during the 10 days I spend in the T.C.?
Yes, you are gross, and I LOVE IT, because, I must confess, I am too! Motherhood is such a humbling experience. I love the kids outfits. We should get our girls together and see what they come up with.
There is NO shame in re-using pull-ups. They are way to pricey to let one night of "no incidents" ruin a perfectly good piece of protection. Many a Buzz Lightyear have been stashed and re-stashed under the sink till they are deemed... un-usable. I stand strong with you on that my friend :)
I love you!
There was an ad online the other day to take a "are you a hot mama" quiz. I was like, nope - already know the answer to that one!
Hopefully it will pass for us all by the time our kids are teens.
Libbie, I have always thought you were one of the most beautiful of the Reil girls. And don't feel bad about your current state of frumpyness, you have simply joined (possibly without even realizing it) the great fraternity of Motherhood. Trust me there are millions of us.
From Susan Sorenson
I am so with you on the frump... I could live in my pajama pants. And, while I do try to shower every day... I rarely do my hair, it is up in a wet ponytail.
We re-use pull-ups. If they are not wet they are okay!
And, my girls have started to dress themselves and they believe that their sparkly ruby red slippers match everything!
Don’t worry that is expected, you are American mom, I don’t know how I will look when I am a mom one day, but I was just reminded of how hot Bulgarian moms are, they wear skirts, dresses and cute clothes on a daily basis and look like models I don’t know how they do it.
Thank you for admitting to doing the things that the rest of us won't. But since you can can I.
**I too wear maternity sweats :)
**When we were still using pull-ups.....we reused them if they were dry! No use throwing away a perfectly good pull-up!!
**You are gorgeous...even without hair and makeup done :)
i love this funny!
1. you look great..especially for having three kids
2. i always think you look so cute in all of your photos in your blog..never thought of you as being frumpy
3. things change after you have kids...there were so many things that i swore i would never do when i had a kid & i'm doin' em...who cares if your 3 yr. old still has a binky...a nap is way more important..and i don't think i've ever seen a child going to kintergarten with a binky:) no worries:)
4. i have two sets of clothing in my wardrobe...and they match ella's..ha!ha! they are: a. play clothes b. going out clothes....i've tried getting ready for the day only to do the normal mommy things and at the end of the day my clothes are dirty and no use! if we go somewhere i change my clothes..if not..i'm in my play clothes or my bathing suit and a tank top..ha!ha!
love this entry you're not the only's all part of being a mom and i can tell you're such a good mom!
Can I just tell you that I have that same exact I heart NY shirt? And, I too am a frumpy mom.
I live in pajama pants when I'm at home. I wear them to school to drop off Heath (I don't get out of the car.) I used to get all dressed up before, and take him to his Kindergarten class. Then, this year (which is now over) I gave up, and figured he knew his way around.
You are beautiful! Seriously! I envied how comfortable you were with yourself in Hawaii! Seriously! I wanted to be like you. So, just know that.
It's been so long since we used pull-ups that we may have re-used them.. or not.. I don't recall. But, with these hard times, I don't think it's gross, it's wise. (Heck, there was a woman on Oprah who said she reused her ziplock bags. She washed them out. Uh, not something I would do, but OK.)
I love this post. It shows that you are human, and a mom. A loving mom who cares about what's important in life. Seriously!
OK, I've probably written a novel by now, but quick story about Olivia. I set her leotard on her bed to get ready for gymnastics. There were apparently other things on her bed as well. I told her to get her gymnastics outfit on, and she came in with her bottoms of her swimsuit, the leotard, and some other articles of clothing all on. Then, she complained that with everything on, it was too tight! And, now that she dresses herself, she looks like an orphan a lot too. But, she dresses herself!
I love you!! And, I really hope that you don't get down on yourself. I think we are all just human, and are all doing our best... even if we do get turned into frumpy moms.
Funny thing is that you really do love those joke!
I don't think reusing pull-ups is gross, I'm sure alot of us re-wear dirty underwear, only turn it inside out???!!!
GUILTY on ALL charges myself and so far I am livng with me just fine.
p.s. gross as the pull up thing I am so not made of dinero so I do the same. Just trying to be fiscally responsible (so I can take that money and go buy more $5 slippa's @ old navy)
I don't really care what you all say. reusing pull-ups is as gross as putting on a dirty pair of barby boxers. I don't need to go into all the reasons why.
But...I do agree with all of those who told Libbie how beautiful she is. You are right. As hot as ever, sorry to the boys who couldn't get her...
daddy fairchild
A few weeks ago Jessica asked me if I used to do my hair and makeup everyday. I knew exactly what she was getting at. She also told me that her friends Mom can still fit into her wedding dress and was wondering if I could. When I was helping with Anna's field trip, she asked if she could pick out my clothes for me. I told her I would be okay doing that by myself, so when I showed up at the school in something besides my ugly sweats, she said "Oh good! You wore cute clothes!" Don't these kids know what we put ourselves through to bring them into and keep them in this world?!?!? And just so you know, I don't reuse pullups. I would if there was ever a night when they weren't, shall we say...overused!
I have always known that you are a dirty broad, but it's just one of the reasons why I love you!
Brett begs me to get out of my sweats every day. I keep trying to explain to him that I have to save my cute clothes for special occasions because they would all just end up with baby barf all over them. Then I would have to keep buying new clothes when all my good ones got stained, so I really am just being practical, not lazy. He's not buying it.
I personally believe that sweatpant are the greatest thing ever invented.
I reuse pull-ups too. Again, it's just practical. They're so expensive!
I saw you driving in your van the other day, so maybe you had one sweats, maybe you didn't.
Lisa has a pair of maternity sweat pants that she says are very comfy, so she will slip those on.
And as for the pull ups? Why not reuse them if they are still dry? Those suckers aren't cheap.
Oh yes, and Ava isn't yet close to the binki sucking world record. My lil sis Courtney had hers well past 4 years old. Or something like that.
Okay, firstly amen!! I even go out in non dressup sweats that don't match what I have on top. The other day, I walked passed a car and saw myself and was so embarressed. I hadn't realized what I had been wearing when I walked out of the house. Secondly, I can't believe how big Beva is. She is a little girl. Third, she looks just like you in the picture with the bink! Wow
Can we start a Frumpy Housewives club? I'm with you. Only I wear a hat. Every day. I started to worry that my hair might start falling out because I heard that happens when you wear hats a lot.
Oh, and my daughter says on Sundays I have my "pretty face" on. Meaning it's the only day I wear make-up.
Oh Libby, I miss you.
As I look down I am wearing pajama pants and what else- Brian's BYUH basketball t-shirt. I wear this every day. I don't want to wear jeans or skirts when I'm bending, lifting, scrubbing and moving things all day. (ALthough I did just go to Macy's one day sale and bought two "date" shirts so that Brian wouldn't have to look at my old t-shirt out to dinner) And I think you get an extra pass on frumpyness until your baby is at least a year old.
My kids dress themselves too- and I don't care. I just figure all the other moms know that I didn't make my daughter wear tights OVER her shorts.
I'm with your friend on the Frumpy Housewives Club. I swear my opening line to everyone is, "Sorry, I look this way. I haven't showered in a few days."
I get so lazy in the summer! Sometimes I wear the same outfit a few days in a row.
I'm right there with you on the battle with the wardrobe. As you can tell from most of my blog pictures, my children dress themselves. The other day, we went to a BBQ with Tommy sporting tight, long-sleeved Spiderman pajamas with bright blue snow boots, and it was 75 degrees that day. Yikes.
As far as the pull-ups go, I laughed right out loud knowing that someone else does that. Jeff thought I was the most disgusting person on the planet as he watched me examine Tommy's pull-up for moisture and excitedly throw it back in with the others for additional usage when I saw it was dry. He stopped getting after me when he saw the price of those things. He's as cheap as I am.
Thanks for the fun post, Lib. It's nice to know there are other imperfect people out there who aren't afraid to admit it. love ya!
Welcome to the Club!
You know, the Mom's with way to much on our plates, so somethings gotta go Club.
As president, I would have to classify you in one of the higher levels of the club though, because I think you're the cutest frumpy person I know. (You definitely don't fall in the same frumpiness category as me.)
Don't get down on yourself though, I'm pretty sure it happens to all of us. How long it lasts?? I'm not so sure??? I'm still in the middle of it!!
I hope things get easier as the kids get older but for now let's just enjoy all the other frumpy friends we'll make along the way.
Im a frump all hours too. except i go out in public and wish people would see me there because Im looking better than usual when im wearing sweats (and a bra)
Hey Libbie! I have a question for you, but I can't find your phone number....could you give me a call when you have a chance? Thanks! I'll be at Hallmark's OK to call there 735-2240
I love it....I wear sweats all the time, too. When I do don a cute outfit, it gets trashed by my boys in no time flat. I LOVE your New York Tee!
Oh please, you are no frump my friend. PS- there is proof on your blog that you do get dressed no worries! Anytime I get somewhat cleaned up my kids ask if we are going to there you go. Your kids are cute so they can wear any Punky Bruster outfit and still be darling! I have to say though, your confessions always make me feel better! I re-use diapers...and not even on the same kid! Motherhood is a dirty job, but no husband could resist a girl who can look like a hottie in old dirty clothes! There is something to be said about that. PS- how far away are you guys from us? I want to plan a trip already. We are in Poulsbo, WA...near John's family in Kingston.
Ha! I love the confessions. I too am way too comfortable in my sweats.
I am dying here. I can barely see the screen I am crying from laughing. It doesn't help to have Molly here with me. I would also like to be added to the list of gross people. Why waste money. I have a good joke foryou sometime when I see you. We love your blog. Hopefully someday you will pull out of the rut of looking like a mom with a whole bunch of young kids. I hope you make it. Come see my blog at I am just starting so don't look too close.
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