My dad and husband are Photographers. We have two studios. Damon runs one and Rick runs the other. My job is to work for both of them. We are always busy, but during the spring and fall seasons, we are EXTREMELY busy. Sports Leagues, Schools, Seniors, Families, and you guessed it . . . PROMS and HOMECOMINGS.
During these busy times, this is basically what our schedule is like:
Damon wakes up early and goes to work.
Libbie stays home with the kids all day.
Damon comes home from work.
Libbie goes to work all night.
Damon stays home with the kids all night.
I am not complaining. OH NO. I am grateful, because this means that the business is doing well. But we do get very burned out and look forward to those slower times when we can relax a little.
This May 3rd, we were lucky enough to have 9 (yup . . . Thats a big NINER) Proms in one night (Yup, that would be ONE NIGHT). I am still not sure why every school in our area decides to have their dance on the same night. So crazy. One of my responsibilities is to schedule all the staff for the events we shoot. Since we need about 8-9 people at each big dance and about 4-5 at the smaller ones, it gets pretty tricky.
Luckily we know about these dances well in advance, so I have plenty of time to call friends and organize. I was telling a couple of them that night, that I kind of feel like I am on The Aprentice, and this is my final task. There is so much that goes into the planning. What Photographers and staff will be at what dance? What equipment will go where? Do we have all the supplies that we need? Who will work well with who, etc.
The dances are actually pretty fun to work at. Its fun to see all these little teeny boppers who think they are just the "CATS MEOW." And guess what? I used to be one of them! Dang. If only I knew then what I know now. Working at these dances reassures me that my daughters will be wearing turtle neck, long sleeve polyester dresses that go to their feet to their proms, that is IF I even let them go. Seriously, I am amazed that parents would let their young daughters out in public in some of these dresses. HELLO, there are always boobs hanging out everywhere. And sometimes if we are lucky, we get to see a lot more than that . . . .
Since we are our own lab, we print and package all the pictures right at our K-town Studio. Because we are so awesome, we deliver most of the schools pictures to them by Monday morning after their dance. This means that we go for about about 48 hours with maybe two or three hours of sleep if we are lucky enough to even squeeze that in. It gets pretty Slap Happy down in the basement with a bunch of girls who have barley slept! We had all the dances done by Tuesday night and have been working on sports since then.
Well, I hate to break my arm patting my own self on the back . . . . but I AM HIRED! It went so smooth. Only because of all my awesome friends who really pulled thru for the Realife Team! My dad even gave me a bonus for all my efforts. Nice, really nice. Now that all these proms are over, we have a just a few more sports leagues and a couple of Dance Studio classes to get out. Then you will find me relaxing all summer with my three crazy ladies by the pool doing nothing but swimming and eating watermelon! Feel free to join in!
Below are some pictures from a few of the dances. And of course the production. Thank everyone for all your help. SO GLAD ITS OVER !

Great post Libbs. You can have Nan anytime. I love having my 'lone time with the boyos. We can eat whatever and wreck the house (long as we have it back the way it was before.) Oh and the money is ship-shape too. Me and Damon are lucky to have little she-devils like you and Nan.
You're a wild one Libby! There is never a dull moment in your life and that is for sure. At least it looked like you guys made the best of the long hours and had some fun.
I'm glad it is you and not me, although it looks like it was tons o'fun. I'm glad you are back!
good times Lib...I don't think my feet have ever hurt so bad :) However, I did have fun posing with Lisa :) What a night, count me in for next year, you can't ever go to too many proms (ha ha)...
Good freaking grief! Glad you survived and got a tasty little bonus!!!! You have offically reached super mom status.
wow! i don't know how you do it! you must be exhausted! loved the pictures though..and it was so nice seeing tara..tell her hello from me:)
Wow. That sounds crazy. This is why I travel thousands of miles to Bulgaria around this time to avoid all this. Lol. (Just kidding)
WOW! You were busy!!
Actually, I want to come help!! I'm sure you think I'm crazy for saying that! Wish I was closer, and I would go help!
Sleep is totally over rated :) I would rather be with some hot mamas then up with a beatiful screaming baby!!! (maybe only for a night or two) Looks life a great time. Go home and get some sleep!
Happy to see you're following in Rick's footsteps. I would have no memories without Realife. I think you should break out one of your old dresses for next year's events. Royal blue? Silver? Maybe Tanisha's 2 piece yellow affair? So many choices......
Wow, I wish I was there with you!
You have amazing energy - I don't know how you do it! Glad to hear business is so good.
Wow, Libbie, sounds like quite the adventure! I love all the prom pics. It was fun to see Nicole and Tara again. It's been a while!
Again, I had fun, really. I love laughing (inside) at all the High Schoolers.
What a great time! Great pictures! I seriously can't believe 9 proms in one night! WOW!!! You guys are good. Enjoy your summer of laying by the pool with your watermelon now! You deserve it!
OK, I have a major double chin in that picture....yuck!
By the I get to work again next year???
Dont let them go to prom! what a waste of money. Of course, that is a guys point of view, so take it for what it is. By all means, have Lisa work for you again. I like being able to then hang out with Meaatch.
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