2. Lila and me are BFF for life. She has decided that she WILL NOT drink from a bottle anymore for her daddy while mommy is at work, so we splurged and bought a baby bjorn (I can't believe those things are $80 bucks). So we are inseparable, as I have two ginormous milk filled breasts that she obviously adores. Who wouldn't. I don't blame the girl. She now accompanies me to work every night. And luckily she loves her new baby bjorn. She is just as happy as can be snuggled up to mama.
3. I have fallen off the wagon. I called my little friend Nicole and confessed that I have been cheating on her for the last three days. Yes, I have eaten so much sugar I can't even believe it. But here's my thinking right now. If you are gonna fall off the wagon, you might as well fall hard . . . . . so I just made a huge pan of Rice Krispie treats, and I will be devouring them just as soon as I am done writing this sentence. And then tomorrow, its back on the wagon, because I DO NOT want to give you a pedicure Nicole. I HATE FEET!
I like your thoughts about the wagon!
Where do you work so you can take a baby with you? I want one of THOSE jobs!
I like your hair, so cute!
I love the baby Bjorn. It has saved my bacon many times. Cute bangs, cute baby, cute you.
I too love my baby Bjorn.
Love your hair, by the way.
1. Your bangs are so cute! You're one hot mama.
2. You know me how I hate to spend money, but the baby bjorn is one thing I could NOT live without. I loved that thing. During Jeff's internship (aka the worst year of our lives), I would take the kids to Disneyland and that was the only way I could juggle two kids.
3. I'm impressed that you have even jumped on the wagon in the first place! I would NEVER be able to give up sugar. Actually, I might be able to if I made a pact with Jeff that I would have to give him a pedicure if I fell of the wagon. His feet are nauseatingly disgusting. Hmmm, I might just have to try that since I just ate a pan full of Special K bars last night;)
I love your hair Libbie! So cute! You look great! Your sweet little girl looks so cute all bundled up in her baby Bjorn! It gets me excited! Those things are the best! I agree!
Oh Libbie - I completely understand the no bottle thing.....Joseph never took a bottle. We were attached until well after his first birthday. I got used to it :). I love your hair by the way it is super cute!
Hey Libbie, Love the bangs! You like your sister are so beautiful. I am finally admitting to stalking your blog from Emily's, love the posts. Your girls are beautiful. Good luck with the sugar thing!
SUGAR shmugar, totally know what you mean. Bangs are good on you. I guessed I missed out on the baby bjorn thing. I never used one. Darn, probably would've come in handy.
flib love the boobs.
betcha thought I was going to say love your bangs huh?
well, i love those too. when should i come out and work?
I love your hair, you look so pretty.
libbie..i really enjoyed reading your post below about complaining..it's amazing how i tend to grumble over the littlest things and there are people out there who have it SO MUCH worse..and it really makes you count your blessings...and i love this current photo of you..you look gorgeous..and i love your bangs!
I LOVE baby bjorn. Jen actually just lent me hers when we had the twins. Very handy! And, no hard feelings, I had cheated on you, too, as we discussed. We're on the wagon and we're in for the long haul! We could just treat eachother to pedicures??? Not that it matters cause neither one of us is gonna cheat :)And I love your bangs and hair in general. Billy is my hair hero!
I used the cheap snuggly with Bergen who used it constantly. And then I upgraded with Ava to the Bjorn, it's worth every penny. I went to the store, made dinner and everything in between with the Bjorn strapped to me. My girls were going on one when they would finally get out. Happy hauling :)
You look like a super-model mom in that pic. Like Heidi Klum. Or Brooke Shields.
I love the bangs!!! Is your hair darker too????
Your hair looks GREAT! I love it.
Great bangs!
Hank is always in my moby wrap. He loves it! It's so nice to have him close.
Love the bangs!!! Just so ya know, if I looked as good as you do now, I'd be eatin' whole pans of rice crispy treats every day.
I love falling off the wagon...
A what? A baby bjork? Isn't she that weird singer? I don't understand what she has to do with...oh wait, you said a baby Bjorn Ahhh....um...Nope, still have no clue what you are talking about.
So Damon has been rejected as a feeder huh? I guess that is one good thing about having a blind baby. If she could see, she might have rejected me by now.
Ahh, the beauty of repentance!Love the bangs.
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