Edyn turned four on March 3! She has been counting down the days for about six months now! It is hard to explain to her what years, months, weeks, and days are . . . But finally the big day came.

Damon took Edyn and her little friend Anique to go get pedicures. They had a blast. Damon was a great sport . . . . as he came back with pink toe nails with flowers on them!

We had a princess party in the afternoon. Everyone who came was supposed to dress up! We had a few party poopers, but for the most part, everyone there was in royal attire! My beautiful princess ensemble was compliments of the local goodwill. Damon's ensemble came from the Stake Dance Festival costume box. I think that hot pink is a great color on Prince Damon, and it also went great with his pink toe nails! I love this man! He is just wonderful! He LOVES his girls . . . . . .
Edyn got lots of good presents. Movies, stickers, dress ups, money, candy . . . . She was having a blast opening them. Damon and I got her office supplies . . . . seeing as how she has went thru two reams of our paper, about four rolls of tape and numerous envelopes in the past few months. Now she has her own ream, tape and evelopes. I am sure I will have many new pictures taped to my walls. Yep! Thats what she does with them. Any empty space she can find must be decorated with Edyn art! It's quite amusing . . . until I have to get it all off my walls.

Happy Birthday Edyn!

What a great party! You are the most adorable royal family ever - and I can just picture Damon with his pedicure!!! Happy birthday little princess!
I love what you got her. The picture of the envelope on the wall cracks me up!! Looks like you guys had great fun!!!!
Hi! This is Mandy Blank (Linhoff). I found your blog through Emily's. Your girls are so cute! I hope you don't mind. I put a link to your blog on mine so my mom could see it.
Libbie! What a fun party! I love it! I love your costumes-those were great and I love that Damon went and got a pedicure! That is quite impressive! Looks like it was a lot of fun and Edyn's cake looks like a princess cake! It was fun to talk to you a little bit on Sunday!
Yeah Mandy! I am glad you found me! I want to see your blog. How do I get there! It doesn't give me a link on your profile! I am new at this whole blogging thing . . . so slowly I am getting the hang of it! Talk to you soon . . . . .
Love the party. I can't WAIT to show Brian Damon's flowered toes! What a good dad. I love the wall art too. Edyn and Davin must be kindred spirits. Every door/wall in our house is covered with pictures/notes from Davin. How funny.
This is bskin25. What the he.. is Damon doing? although pink looks really good Damon.
We are at www.blankfamilyblog.blogspot.com
Great Party!! Edyn is one lucky little girl.
Is "Lesley" Lesley Mickelson? If so, does she have a blog?
Holy cow skinny minnies! I drop out of contact and Damon comes out of the closet and the two of you get all fit and sexy. Congratulations- on the site, the new lifestyle, and the courage to let it all out damon.
Tim W
Tim W! What the heck are you doing . . . . What is your blog site? I want to check out whats going on the the watty watsons. Loved your Christmas card!
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