Sunday, December 15, 2013


It's not every day that a girl turns 36. And because of this, I decided to make it a two day celebration.  All I wanted for my special day, was pictures of my little ladies.  So my man went ahead and did that for me yesterday. 

And because I only wanted that one thing, imagine my surprise when I decided to treat myself to a diet cherry pepsi.  Now you might be thinking . . . . diet cherry pepsi is not conducive to building bigger muscles.  You are correct.  However, it was the day before my birthday, and it was right after my second work out. So you will just need to get over it (I did) as it is my first sodie pop in approximately a year. 

Since we are into celebrations, we decided to party with Santa at the ward Christmas party last night.  I asked him for bigger biceps/glutes/delts/quads/boobs.  He told me to go to the gym. 

Now let us talk about today, my actual birthday. Just like yesterday, I will be will be spending it with my family and friends.  They are the most important.  I will not be sitting in front of my computer working. I will not be playing on my phone. I won't be working out, and I won't be stressing out about everything I need to do.
Tonight, I will eat delicious enchiladas that Kenzie will make me. Also cake and ice cream because its my birthday, and a girl needs cake every now and then.

Happy 36th Birthday to Me!