Saturday, January 1, 2011

I Resolve

My New Years resolution is not to lose weight. I grown quite accustom to being average. Instead, I resolve to quit complaining. I have a really good life. Nothing to complain about (except for my very small chest). But for some reason or other, I find myself often being ungrateful. I'm going to try my very hardest to be positive and grateful in 2011. We'll see how it goes . . . . and if its going well, perhaps I'll try it in 2012 as well. No promises.

I'm also resolving to bite my tongue. Not literally. I'm pretty sure I was born without a filter. Too often, I spew things out of my mouth that I (sometimes) end up regretting later. If I could just zip my lips I could avoid this problem. Duh. Easier said than done for this Loca . . . . but I'll give it a valiant effort.

That it. That's all I'm gonna shoot for this year. I wouldn't want to over do it.
Happy 2011


Shauna said...
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Shauna said...

Love your blog header.. Cutest stinkin family ever. You are awesome! Love it that you are blogging again. I miss good old personal family blogs. I hope you keep it up. :)

Reil family said...

I need to do the same thing, I also have problem with complaining!

SuzanSayz said...

Thanks for the timely reminder. I really have to watch myself. Otherwise it seems that at least 85% of the time whenever I hear something the first thing that comes to my mind are all of the negatives instead of the positives. It's a bad habit and I need to break it.
Well, at least bend it.