GIRL! I am not quite sure if its the lack of hair, or the spider man underwear her daddy purchased for her that throws people off!
But really . . . . . when you are in public and you see a little kid who you can't tell if they are a boy or a girl . . . Don't you just say, "Oh what a cute kid you have, or what a sweet baby!" Thats what I do! Just to be safe.
I can deck this girl out in pink, with a dress on and a berrett in her hair, and people still call her a boy all the time! "Oh, HE is soooooo cute!" I just reply, "Yes, yes she is, isn't she!" Although she has come a long way in the hair department, I am so looking forward to the day when she really has some and I can put it in cute pony tails and ribbons so there shouls be no confusion! Maybe by her third birthday! I'll keep my fingers crossed!
That is such a cute kid. I don't know tho, whats worse that she looks like a boy- or that Damon looks like a girl? (spitting image of her daddy) What a doll.
Ran into your brother brian last friday night @ movie theater. I spilled my HUGE cherry coke and poor guy had to help me clean it up.
Also talked to Brett tonite, said Megan is getting hitched. Lucky guy. So im assuming the reception is at the church bldg? Ha.
We had the same thing happen to us. Livi had no hair and was always called a boy. And, she really did wear all pink and had her ears pierced.
Savannah has had enough hair for a ponytail since 6 months, always with a bow and also has her ears pierced. She is still usually called a boy by old men at the grocery store.
So funny! I love the spiderman underwear! That is great! She's so cute! That also happened to me with Haley-people would say oh, he's so cute! GRRRRR! :) I think she looks a lot like Damon too!
I love it, I think it's hilarious that she is wearing spiderman underware. Owen loved Dora when we were potty training him and I bought him some Dora underware. Chad freaked out and threw them away though.
I had similar problems with our pretty boy Luke. He had such cute curls and a pretty face that everyone called him a girl (no matter that he was wearing all camoflauge clothing). It's only been in the last year that people have gotten his gender correct.
Hey Libbie I love Ava she is so cute i don't think she looks like boy at all.She is just so pretty.
I LOVE the undies! jayden would be in heaven if I would let her have spiderman undies and the girl is 7. Hey-to each his own.
she is adorable!
Davin has those same underoos. Kea asks all the time if she can wear them. Who wants Barbie princesses when there's SPIDERMAN?
im blog stalking you right back! i like to call it "creeping"
I just LOVE that she is wearing spiderman underwear that her daddy bought - and that you let her wear them. So cute! She is so beautiful, I don't know how you could mistake her for a boy, even with the spiderman undies.
Don't feel bad - when Ethan was a baby I had him in a pair of jeans and a dumptruck tshirt, and people still told me I had a cute little girl.
This is so hilarious...very typical of our own family actually! The time we had my my middle son in all girls clothes was so funny/scary that I wouldn't let people take pictures--too real, it might come back to haunt him! Anyway- Libby! How are you!? Your girls looks just like you & Damon (like the perfect mixture)-its crazy. I miss you guys! Gongrats on your pregnancy by the way. I totally want to catch up. My email is anderson8258@hotmail.com....email me so I can get your email back. Talk soon! JoAnna
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