Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Ava turned 8 today.  She is my middle girl, and sometimes she kind of gets the shaft because of it. Eight is a really big deal, so we went all out, because Ava is also a really big deal.  She's sweet.  She's cute. She's smart and sassy. She's just a wonderful kid.  I'm lucky to be her mom. 

iTrampoline Hawaii.  Great place.  The kids loved it.  I just wish they had a water fountain, but their port-a potties were FANTASTIC.  No joke.  

We have a really great Hawaii Ohana.  Unfortunately most of them are leaving because that's just what happens when you are in the military.  For us non military folk, it kind of sucks, because when so many of your friends leave, that means you don't have very many friends. So, I'm just gonna throw this out there, but I'm taking applications for new friends.  All it requires is that you be cool, non judgmental, and can handle a high strung, uptight, anxiety freak.  Me. 

Flat Stanley is visiting us from Oregon. So naturally he came to the party. 


 Just look at how cute she is.  Such a great kid.


And for your viewing pleasure, I will throw in her baby picture. Because she had The. Best. Cheeks. EVER.  

I love her.  
Happy Birthday to my Ava Girl!  
Mama LOVES you!